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"Lan Zhan~"

Lan Wangji refused to open his eyes at Wei WuXian's voice. He walked forward few more steps immersing himself into the freezing cold water. He felt the sound was too real, he could hear the laugh in Wei WuXian's voice.
'Wei Ying is not here. Stop thinking about him Lan Wangji. '

"LAN ZHAN! Look at me. "

Lan Wangji's eyes sprang open and he turned around quickly, splashing water around him. Wei WuXian was lying on his stomach above the blue stones beside the cold spring. He was tilting his head and smiling at Lan Wangji.

"You-Why are you here?"

Lan Wangji asked before he could stop himself. Wei WuXian was not supposed to be here, not in Cloud Recesses and definitely not in the cold spring. Lan Wangji was not sure how his face looked now but he saw Wei WuXian's lips forming a pout.

"Wow!How rude? Ow-"

Wei WuXian suddenly stood up and winced at the pain in his back. Lan Wangji's eyebrows furrowed as Wei WuXian slowly rubbed his back with his free hand, other hand holding his sword Suibian.

"Lan Zhan, what happened to the you of yesterday?"

Wei WuXian asked pointing Suibian accusingly at Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji was aware that a part of his memories were blank and he was desperately trying to remember them. He does not remember anything from yesterday night and it was starting to bother him now.


"Lan Zhan! If you keep on like this, I won't play with you?"

Wei WuXian said and then suddenly turned his face away from Lan Wangji. 'Damn it! Jiujius saying 'your Lan Zhan' is definitely messing with my mind.' A blush creeping up his cheeks seeing the lost expression on a half naked Lan Wangji standing in the water. He heard Lan Wangji muttering a 'what?' under his breath. 'Aha! Just like I thought. He forgot everything.'

"Why are you back in Cloud Recesses?"

Lan Wangji asked after some time, seeing that Wei WuXian was silent and not meeting his eyes. He also understood that he was not going to get anymore information about the previous nights events from Wei WuXian.

"Oh! I came to pack my things, but I'll leave soon."

Wei WuXian said straightening and facing Lan Wangji. He smiled at Lan Wangji and kicked off his shoes. Lan Wangji lowered his head stared at his own hands which were inside the cold water. He told himself.

"Leave soon."

Wei WuXian heard that. He placed Suibian on the rock next to Bichen and said to Lan Wangji whose head was still lowered as he watched the water.

"Yeah yeah. It's best if I leave here for now. After seeing how my uncles reacted. Even Yima too."

Wei WuXian fake shivered to show that the situation was dire. He thought back how just two hours ago he was bombarded with so many questions about his wellbeing. He was suddenly overwhelmed by the sheer number of uncles and aunts he has. He chuckled remembering their faces.


Everyone called with worry as soon as they saw their nephew walk in. A crowd was waiting for Wei WuXian in front of Xie Lian's palace. Wei WuXian faked gasped while still leaning in his Baba while San Lang kept both his hands on Wei WuXian's shoulders passing spiritual energy. Wei WuXian chuckled and said, a hand covering his mouth show his surprise.

"Oh my Gods!!!
All of you are here?"

"You brat."

Mu Qing called and Wei WuXian waved at him cheerfully. Wei WuXian bowed slightly but Xie Lian stopped him and shook his head. So Wei WuXian waved his hands at his uncles and aunt.

𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙒𝙚𝙞 ( This Author Is Going For A Short Break. Wait For 13yrs.) Where stories live. Discover now