.46. ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴀʀɢᴜᴇ

830 130 48

Without a second thought, Jungkook squeezed his fiance's hand a little tighter and turned around, walking away from the rose gardens, the museum, the crowd, and the crime scene.

"Where are we going?" Taehyung casually asked, not seeming to mind the sudden change of plans.

In fact, the man appeared so unbothered by it all that Jungkook found it rather unnerving. "We just need to, you know, stay clear of whatever is happening over there."

"Oh, they're probably scanning the place for prints and other careless clues that could explain how a work of art can vanish from a museum without any sign of breaking and entering."

The more he talked, the paler Jungkook's face got. "Didn't you say you visited yesterday? With Namjoon?"

"We saw the exhibit, yes. Lovely paintings."

The young detective let his body lean against a nearby wall for support has he clenched his beating heart, succeeding in erasing any hint of amusement on Taehyung's features, which now displayed full-fledged concern. "You look a little drained. Should we head back?"

"I'm okay. I just need to get you out of here."

Again with the protective reflexes. "Darling, you cannot possibly think I had anything to do with this."

"Of course not. But I have this knot in my stomach—"

Taehyung placed a gentle hand over Jungkook's abdomen, rubbing ever so softly. "Are you sure it's not because you stuffed yourself this morning?"

"Hey! Must I remind you that it was you who fed me!"

"I'm sorry," Taehyung uttered, genuinely apologetic. "We don't have to do anything special today. Let's just walk around a bit, find a nice Kaffeehaus, order a cup of the famous Vienna coffee, maybe have a bite of Apfelstrudel..."

Jungkook wasn't convinced the dessert would help get rid of that unsettling feeling in his belly, but he had no reason to refuse the invitation which already sounded like such a lovely date. If he could call it a date. Wait. Did fiances even date? Or was it called something else?

A pair of lips briefly meeting his own put a stop to his train of thought.

"So, what do you say, love?"

"Kaffeehaus it is!"

Jungkook's slightly forced enthusiasm had Taehyung believe he had successfully managed to take his fiance's mind off of the matters that were evidently troubling him. He opted for the lighthearted subject of their engagement party, which they both wanted to hold as soon as they returned to London. It wouldn't be anything big nor fancy. Just close friends that they trusted and wished to share this moment with.

"We'll need to get Lizbeth a bottle of Austrian Schnapps," Taehyung thought out-loud, causing Jungkook to coo over the man's consideration.

"My soon-to-be husband, always so caring."

"Speaking of which, wedding guests: who would you like to invite on our big day?"

The fleeting look of panic in Jungkook's eyes did not go unnoticed. "Funny you should mention that."

"Funny? How so?" Taehyung had not meant for his question to incite any sort of anxiety, but Jungkook wouldn't stop biting his lips. "Cookie? What's wrong?"

"Tae bear, I'm sorry. I should have talked to you first."

"Talk to me first about what?"

"I may have already invited someone."

Taehyung simply leaned back against his chair, looking rather unfazed by the revelation.

"You're not angry?" Jungkook asked, voice shy.

"Of course not," the other replied with a smile. "It's an easy matter to settle."

"What do you mean?"

"Since you invited someone without my knowledge, allow me to do the same."

Jungkook felt most relieved — and utterly blessed to be marrying such an amenable man. Though he did wonder who Taehyung had in mind.

Thoughts of stolen artworks were long forgotten and Taehyung was quite pleased with the way the afternoon had turned out. Truth be told, aromatic coffee and scrumptious pastries had greatly helped Jungkook divert himself. However, these edible distractions only lasted until the evening newspapers rolled out.

Indeed, Viennese coffee houses were as much purveyors of coffee as they were of news.

No sooner were the papers delivered that the knot in Jungkook's stomach returned. "Is that what I think it is?" he asked, pointing at the front page of the daily their neighbour had picked up, and which featured a painting of four trees.

"Darling, I can explain."

"Please do. No! On second thoughts, please don't."

Jungkook's indecisiveness would have been endearing were it not for the fact that he seemed painfully conflicted, torn between his desire to shield his fiance from potential threats and his sense of morality and justice. "Why won't you let me clarify?" Taehyung pressed.

Jungkook cleared his throat, which had turned dry for some reason, before answering. "You know some things. Obviously. How much you know, I cannot tell. And frankly, the less I know the better. I don't want to find myself in a position to have to turn you in lest I be accused of covering for a..."

"Just say it. Cri-mi-nal."

Jungkook winced but that didn't stop Taehyung. "Is that what you think of me? Do you not believe in my innocence?"

"Tae, you of all people should be aware of the fact that investigations have nothing to do with beliefs."

"Then why do you fret? From where I stand, the only one convinced of my guilt is you, Guk."

The detective let a trembling hand lose itself within his thick hair which turned messy. "Let me just ask you one thing, Tae."

"Anything, my love."

How could the man still have it in him to use names of endearment at such times was beyond Jungkook who chose to focus on the only question he felt relevant at the moment. "Are you, in any way, assisting them, whoever they are?"

"If I am, then it is not by choice."

That cryptic reply was definitely not what Jungkook wished to hear. "Oh for the love of Baskerville, please let this be a nightmare. And please let it be over soon!"

"Don't be silly. We're getting married soon. If this is a dream, then I don't want to wake up."

Had they raised their voice unknowingly? Several patrons had turned around to glimpse at the public quarrel, and the undesirable attention was all it took for Jungkook to stand up. "Come on. Let's go back to the hotel and start packing."

"What? Why?"

"Taehyung, you can't be seen in Vienna. Not after what happened."

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