Dragged to a Party - Ranboo AU

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(TW: Panic attack, water burns + blood because it's Ranboo + tears, minor mention of alcohol near the beginning) (lemme know if there's anything else, I'm not sure if I'm missing anything-)

(I hope I wrote panic attacks from social anxiety well enough??? I don't remember my thought process when I wrote this, but I don't think I was in the middle of a panic attack- I mean, this was written over two months ago, sooo yeah, who knows-)

(Anyway, hope you enjoy!)

A quiet sigh came from the half-Enderman as he followed Tommy and Tubbo up the steps of a large house. Techno, Wilbur, and Phil hade already made it inside, and were likely greeting their friends.

He flinched at a whoop close to his ear as Quackity and Sapnap ran past him and into the house, causing Tommy to curse angrily at them for almost knocking them over.

Shaking his head a bit in quiet amusement, Ranboo entered the house just behind Tommy and Tubbo before looking around. The house was packed. He could see Quackity and Sapnap running over to where Dream and George stood in the kitchen, both of them holding plastic cups. After a moment, Karl entered the main room from a side room and greeted Quackity and Sapnap with a beaming smile on his face.

He spotted Niki and Minx hanging out by the staircase, both of them also holding cups. Now that he thought about it, pretty much everyone there were holding cups, meaning there were beverages. Did that mean they also had alcohol? Well, the party was being run by Karl, who had rented out the house for awhile and wanted to use it. That meant that there could very well be mild amounts of alcoholic drinks.

"Great," thought Ranboo with a slight frown, "I'm a minor at a party with people who can get drunk."

As he headed over to the couch where Tommy and Tubbo already were, he realized that it wasn't too bad. If people did get drunk, there were other young adults who couldn't drink yet.

He sat down on the couch, looking up at the large flatscreen tv that hung in front of the couch. Already, Tommy and Tubbo had found Mario Kart and had managed to rope Purpled into playing as well. Starting to feel a bit more enthusiastic about the night, Ranboo offered to play as well.

After 4 rounds, Ranboo had only managed to get at most second place, which he was fine with. He was more excited about the party now, and was getting very competitive in Mario Kart.

Soon, Quackity and Sapnap realized they were playing Mario Kart and crashed the party, followed by Wilbur with Phil watching in amusement.

Ranboo was easily destroyed but he was having fun, which was good enough for him.

After a few more rounds, he decided to take a break. Rising from the couch, he went over to where Phil was standing with a drink and smiled at him in greeting.

"'Eya mate," Phil said, smiling back in a friendly manner; his large gray wings were folded behind him so they wouldn't bother anyone.

"Hey, Phil," Ranboo replied with a sigh. "How are you doing?"

"Alright, just havin' some pink lemonade right now since I don't really feel like drinking alcohol at the mo'," was Mr. Minecraft's response.

"Ah, okay. Well, that's good because you may have to act as Dadza for a lot of drunk young adults by the end of the party," joked Ranboo.

Philza laughed, saying, "Probably, if I'm bein' totally honest. That's alright though, I've also got the help of you lot that can't drink."

A chuckle escaped Ranboo's lips. "I doubt you can rope Tommy into helping to deal with his drunk brothers, let alone another 10 drunk adults," he said, amusement sparkling in his red and green eyes.

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