It'll Be Alright - Bench Trio oneshot

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(No TWs I think?? Lemme know if there are-)

(Okay I guess there's some censored swearing in this one too, because it's Tommy again- Oh well-?)
(This is a wholesome oneshot that I realized I had finished, so here ya go :D)
(Hope you enjoy!)

The wind softly blew past a figure, ruffling his hair and the grass he laid on. He gazed up at the leaves of the tree he took shelter under, noticing how the leaves seemed to be a bit more affected by the wind compared to the grass.

He took in a breath of fresh air, trying to ignore how foreign it felt. It felt almost wrong to be breathing fresh air again, even though he knew otherwise.

He let out a soft sigh and sat up, rubbing at an itch on his arm caused by the grass. He hated how sensitive he had become to touch after his months... days? spent in the afterlife. Spent with Wilbur.

The blond—well, mostly blond—huffed in annoyance and buried his face in his hands, trying to forget the man he despised so much.

He nearly jumped as a familiar voice sounded behind him, "Tommy?"

Tommy looked up immediately, relaxing a bit as he saw Tubbo and Ranboo gazing at him in worry. "Oh, hey guys," he said quietly, trying to manage a small smile.

Frowning, the brunet dragon hybrid came over and sat down beside him, gazing at him with worry. "How you holding up, big man?" he asked while Ranboo came and sat down on Tommy's opposite side.

Looking away, Tommy shrugged and started picking at the grass in front of him. "Alright, I suppose," he answered half heartedly.

After a moment of hesitation, Ranboo told him, "You know, you don't have to pretend around us. We know the basics of what you went through."

Tommy scoffed, shaking his head a bit. "You have no idea what I went through," he softly said, not wanting to look at them.

Immediately, Tubbo and Ranboo exchanged a clueless, yet worried glance, before looking back at their friend. They would never be able to ignore the signs of what happened to the youngest member of the server. The slightly red skin on his face and neck that didn't seem to want to go back to normal... The deflated personality compared to his usual optimism... His sensitivity to everything, especially touch... And of course, the pure white strands of hair that streaked their way through his blond hair. Yeah, there was no way they could believe Tommy was the same person that he was when he went into the prison.

Being extremely careful, Ranboo softly placed his hand on Tommy's shoulder, glad when the teen merely glanced at him, instead of flinching like he often would.

The half Enderman offered a soft, reassuring smile. "No, we have no idea what you went through recently, only what happened before," he admitted.

"But no matter what you went through, we're both here to help you through it, every step of the way," Tubbo continued, smiling warmly at his best friend.

A soft but genuine smile made its way onto the blond's face and he chuckled quietly, picking at the grass again.

Both Ranboo and Tubbo didn't know why he was chuckling, but they figured he was going to say so they stayed quiet.

"Y'know, before I went in there with Dream," he said the name with enough venom it made both Tubbo and Ranboo cringe. He paused to laugh quietly again. "You would never have caught me sitting on a f###ing hill having a sappy conversation with you both," he said in a light tone, smiling as he laid down on the grass.

Both of the hybrids chuckled and laid down beside their friend, gazing up at the pale blue sky.

Tommy gazed up at the sky, feeling a sense of hope flowing onto him. "Y'know," he began with a light tone.

He glanced at Tubbo, then Ranboo, then back at the sky. "I'm not ready to talk about anything yet, but... I think thing's will actually be alright now," he finished.

Ranboo and Tubbo both smiled. "Yeah," Tubbo agreed.

"And if someone tries to hurt either of you or Michael, I will 100% stab them until they leave us alone," Ranboo promised, completely genuine.

Tubbo lightly chuckled and pushed himself up a bit, gazing over at his husband. "Even if you stab them enough times they die?"

Ranboo looked back at his husband and grinned. "Yup!"

The sheer amount of authenticity and casualness in the Enderman hybrid's voice was enough to make Tommy erupt in laughter. A genuine, wholly meant one that likely hadn't happened for months, for him.

Grinning, Tubbo joined him first, chuckling and then laughing as well, leaving Ranboo to start chuckling as well due to how contagious Tommy and Tubbo's laughs were together.

Soon, their laughter died down into calm, warm silence, and genuine smiles on their faces.

"Y'know what? Maybe violence isn't necessary," Tommy said, causing both Tubbo and Ranboo to look at him. He looked back at them, his eyebrow raised. "Shut the f### up," he said in a lighthearted manner before looking back up at the sky, grinning.

"But yeah, if anyone tries to hurt us again, I'll allow you to poke them with a very sharp metal stick, Ranboo," Tommy said.

Ranboo balled his hand into a fist and raised it, saying, "Yes!"

Tommy chuckled softly, his grin fading into a soft smile.

"Well," began the blond as he pushed himself up, "That's enough sappy stuff!"

He rose to his feet, immediately almost falling, and ran up the hill, past the tree. He paused as Ranboo and Tubbo sat up to stare at him.

"Well, come on! Someone's gotta vandalize the statues they built of me! Let's not take them down though, they boost my ego," he added a bit quieter, tilting his head thoughtfully.

Grinning mischievously, Tubbo and Ranboo exchanged a glance before getting up and running after Tommy.

They were finally going to be the kids they were supposed to be.

And if anyone tried to punish them for being themselves? Well, let's just say that Tommy has given full permission for Ranboo to poke them super hard with a sharp metal stick.

(WC: 1008 words)

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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