-A- & -B- inside of the c0ncep7 story were killed and re-put together by the Time Keeper, thus, creating the ever-so cycling path that some bunch of people must go through, soon to succeed in breaking the cycle, which goes all the way to MKJ, where Kibo must sacrifice herself to end the Time Keeper. That's the part where the entire universe resets and it is continued on over to WbS, where Evelyn tells the story of this to Darwin, who has yet to realize that he was a great part of it. Now, the Lingering Will that had been shown at the end of c0ncep7 was the mysterious figure that Kibo had to encounter before facing the Time Keeper. The mysterious figure took the form of Kibo, but without a face. The reason why an old man took the form of Kibo is because as he was erased, with the will stronger than a God's power, he had overcome the erasement and taken the form as Kibo, as that's all that he could use for a vessel, as he is basically a part of her, he's be able to take her image. Of course, it wouldn't really be very obvious, as the mask had made him look different. No, the thing is that Evelyn and Darwin were actually -A- and -B- in c0ncep7, but reincarnated into the recreated universe as Kibo had sacrificed herself. Kibo had never really known who her parents were, but she had step parents, who were then killed by a fire as she was only growing up. The one who started the fire was The Lingering Will. The Lingering Will is the fragmented part of -B- that will lead Kibo along her path. Fact is that the reason why it's call Magic Children: Rise is because there are multiples of ages that these people come in, and they are basically the children under our so called God. But the magic part, wasn't necessarily to be of magic, but more of destiny, but is still portrayed as magic. Evelyn had been told of her story by an unknown source, which has yet to be revealed. But one thing for sure is that she was never really born, rather, she was spawned a week before her encounter with Darwin. Darwin was born and raised as a normal child. Evelyn was only created and implanted only prior knowledge and a memory of a story.
So, as c0ncep7 leads to MKJ, it also ends up last as MbS.
These things below show these stories and how they correlate upon each other
-A- [Evelyn]
-B-(1,2,3{Mysterious Figure}) [Darwin]
Time Keeper [Hugh]-A- runs away from home to end up finding a table with many hands turning about as she approaches it. This takes place in a realm of only snow, yet it still feels decently warm.
She meets the -B- that has yet to turn into the Lingering Will, who says he already knows her story and that she must go back home. -A- was stubborn enough not to listen to him and continue on, meeting two more of his younger selves along the way. The third -B- she had met, the youngest as she’ll ever meet, is one who had knowledge of the Time Table. Tells her to go back one and tell his older self to interact with it. -A- goes to the second -B- she had met and makes him perform procedures to activate the Time Table, thus, sending the two of them to another room in this realm of multiple rooms of illusion. They wander about before being caught by a Mangkukalem, one known as Time Keeper. It is the ruler of this realm of everblankness, It asked them why they are there, as they had seen something they weren’t supposed to, a large device, the Time Keeper had begun to tear them apart. As -A- and -B- were to be assaulted, they had noticed the many corpses from a bloodshed around the place, all covering in blood and hidden by the snow. The two had noticed it and began questioning the entity. It had only told them very little before annihilating the two wanderers. It ends there. A post-credits scene showing Hugh standing in front of -B-, whose just sitting there, staring off as a tear trickles down his face. Hugh’s words show upon the screen as a mask shows in the blankness of the screen. Later, Erisu shows up, asking for a chance.Code: MKJ (Magic Children: RISE) [name has yet to be changed]
Kibo faces Time Keeper and ends it with a reset of the universe, then leading it to WbS.
Chiharu will die in the middle of the series.
Kibo will have to sacrifice herself in the end.
Erisu will be murdered by Yukki.
Erisu was from a different realm, who ended up in this one because of The Time Keeper, who made a deal.
Yukki will die in the battle between the two colossi.
Hayato will have to end up leading the CoS in the middle of the series.
Petra will be mourning and will no longer be shown the second half of the series.
Casey will have to forget of Rylan, knowing that he will not return.
Hugh is actually the reincarnated Time Keeper in WbS, but returns here. His story starts from c0ncep7, to WbS, then to MKJ.
Dawn and Rhianne come from Erisu after she dies.
Paul was the leader of CoS until he dies in the pursuit of Rhianne.12 People, 5 died, and 7 lived. 2 of these showed true threat to Humanity. 1 of these were the Time Keeper. 6 of these were otherworldly. 4 stayed until the end to face Time Keeper.
Kibo Obaku [-A-B-]
Chiharu Hamamoto
Erisu Yangi [Ow]
Casey Rogers
Hayato Arakaya
Rylan Evans
Hugh Davidson [Time Keeper]
Dawn Tehyun [PoErisu]
Petra Tires
Yukki Norime
Paul McGee
Rhianne Lance [PoErisu]
Mysterious Figure [-B-1]Code: WbS (Wishing by Sunrise)
Evelyn [-A-]
Darwin [-B-]Evelyn will tell the story of both c0ncep7 and MKJ to Darwin, who had no knowledge of such thing.
Notes upon TIMEofHD Saga
FantasyThese are the notes that I type down over the entire saga that revolves around three stories, including c0ncep7, Code: MKJ, and Wishing by Sunrise. Keep these in mind: This saga is considered as Dark Fantasy c0ncep7 is considered as Horror. Code: MK...