Chapter 10; Will I Survive

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Lani's pov;

i just had to get out of that hell hole of a mall after seeing August again.

Prince; Lani r u ok

Lani; yeah

Ray; u sure

Lani; yeah

Imani; can we go please

Prod; y u in such a rush

All/imani; yeah y

Imani; cuz i want to go home

Amanda; stop acting salty

Imani; im not salty

Skylar; ur acting like a bitch

Imani; im wat

All/ imani; a BITCH

Iman; if im such a bitch how about all of u go shopping and ray u can fucking forget about me ever being ur girl

Ray; no Imani. im sorry

before he could he grab her hand she already ran away crying her eyes out . she got in her car and drove away quickly.

Ray's pov;

damn what did i just do. i lost her. she probably doesnt even want me back i have to go after her

Lani's pov;

what did i just do. shes my best friend and i dead just called her a bitch. we need to find her now. knowing imani she crazy an will try to kill her self.

Lani; we need to go and find her right now

Amanda; yes we do

Skylar; please lets go now she may try to kill herself

mb; y would she do that

Amnada; ever sice her paents died shes tried everything in the book to kill herself just to see her friends.

mb; lets go now

they all run to their cars and drive to imani's house

Imani's pov;

these bitches want to call me a bitch esepically my R.O.D's. they want to call me bitch's this is th4e last time they will see me alive

she ran upstairs to her mom's old room and got all these pills that her mom used to take when she was angry. she toke all the pills and passed out cold.

with the others

Skylar; prince hurry the fuck up

Prince; ok damn

Prod; yes were here get out

they all run out to find the door wide open.


Skylar; im going to check upstairs

skylar ran upstairs quickly and found Imani passeed out cold on the floor of Imani's old moms bathroom floor

Skylar; guys shes up here (said while sobbing)

they all ran upstairs to find imani passsed out

All; ( start crying)

Roc; lets get her to the Hosptial NOW

Ray; yeah

they rush to the car and rush to the hospital

at the hospital

Ray; please someone help me my girlfriend is passed out cold

Nurse; (comes out with a stecher) what happened to her

Amanda; she took three whole bottles of pills

Doctor; get her to the emercy room now;

the doctors and nurse walk away with Imani

Ray; what if shes dead

Amanda; shes not dead trust me

After 3 hours of waiting the doctor comes back out but not with a good happy face on

Doctor; family of Imani Knowles

All; thats us

Doctor; sorry but shes in a coma and she also may not remember any of u

Ray; (starts to break down)

all; (starts to break down)

all; can we see her

Doctor;yes right this way

they follow the doctor and see Imani. they all walk in and start to break down more. but it sarts to fade when Iani starts to wake up.

Imani; who r u guys

Ray; we are ur faily

Imani; i dont have no family

Lani; yes us

Imani; NO I FUCKING DON..........

before she could finish her sentence she passed out and her heart rate started to drop.

Roc; call the doctor

Ray; ( runs for the doctor) doctor we need u. Imani woke up but then passed out again but this time her bheart beat is dropping.

Doctor; lets go

they run into the room and Imani's heart rate is up to 65.

Doctor; i need u guys to leave and wait outside

Ray; NO thats my girl

Doctor; sorry but u have to leave

RAY; fine

they leave and are now waiting in the waiting room

Roc; wat if shes dead

Ray; idk

they wait for 2 hours and the doctor comes out

Doctor; we have good news and bad news

ALL; what


i wonder what the news is

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