Chapter 27: Ur my who!!?!!?

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5 months later:

Roc 's POV: ok so we r off tour and the girls are finally 5 months pregnant. Can u believe it . Me and ray are on cool terms but I think he hinding something from Imani. We r on our way to Mani's house but first we going shopping for the babies room.

In the car:

Prince: I'm so tired

Skylar: we all are

Prod: especially me cuz this little girl and little boy here kept kicking and waking up Skylar (pointing to sky's stomach)

Lani: wait u know what ur having

Skylar: yup we found out like last week

Imani: oh

Prod: u guys know what ur having

Amanda: yeah twins one boy and one girl

Lani: a boy

Imani: a girl

Prod; oh that means Amanda, Skylar, and imani getting pink for the girls

Amanda, skylar, imani: HELL TO THE NO

Ray: why not

Imani: cuz my daughter is not going to be no freakin barbie doll

Skylar, Amanda: factz

Roc: well I'm going to buy my daughter pink

Amanda: if u do ur ass will be sleeping outside by the damn dumbsters

Roc: damn I was joking

Amanda: u better have been.

Imani: my baby is going to be wearing blue, purple, and gold

Ray: yes my baby going to fly

Prince: anyways we here

They get out the car and walk into Baby Depot.

In baby depot:

Prod: hey babe u want this (holding up a blue Adidas outfit)

Skylar: that's so cute.

Prod: alright I'm going to get it

Amanda; can y'all hurry up I'm hungry

A/n: they already bought their babies outfits

Skylar: u always hungry

Imani: but we all r hungry

All: yeah

Prod: OK I'm back so let's get something to eat cuz I heard ur conversion on the line

Roc: let's cuz I am hungry

Ray: where?

Imani: I want IHOP

Prince: me to

Lani; but I want Waffle house

Prod: yeah me to

Ray: me to

Roc; I do to

Skylar: yeah

Amanda: I guess I'm in to

Prince: so I guess waffle house it is

Imani; but I want IHOP

Ray: ull get over it

Imani: ik

They got in the car and drove to IHOP when they got there they ordered a table. they sat down at the table and they all ordered their food and ate it.

Lani; time to go home

They all pay and get back in the car. They drive to Imani's house.

A/n: mb lives with the girls

They walk in to see the house trashed

Amanda: the hell happened in here

Imani: my fucking house

Skylar: um guys come upstairs to ur Mani's room

They all walk upstairs to imani's room to see the message

Prod: we want our men back

Prince: lavender and her crew trashed our house

Lani: this bitch need a real ass whooping

Prince: babe just calm down and let's go out

Skylar: where

Mb: the carnival

Girls: yay

They all went upstairs to take showers and get dressed. Imani had on the first outfit, tamia the second one, Amanda the third one and Skylar the fourth one.

Imani: OK I'm ready

Prince: we all r

Imani; but I didn't ask

Lani: ur so salty

All/lani: PAUSE

lani: yall nasty

Prod: whatever but can we go cuz I want to come back and watch basketball

Mb: yass

Amanda: I want to watch the game to

Skylar: we all do so let's go

They all left and went to the carnival. They reached their in 20 minutes. They walled in to see barely anbody there. So they bought the tickets and went on rides.

The carnival started playing Fetty WAP "My Way". They all started singing.

A/n play song at top.

ROC: baby won't u come my way

Amanda: got some things I want to say

Lani; can not keep u off my brain

They all sang the song and got on the rides.

1 hour later

Prince; we got to go the he starts in 45 minutes

All/prince: ight leggo

??'s pov:
That girl over there looks very familiar. I'm about to go talk to her. Wait that's my sister!!!

??: *walks over to Lani and taps her shoulder*

Lani: can I help u with something

??: I'm ur brother Logan

All: UR WHAT!!????!!!!!
That's was interesting to know that lani has a secret brother. But here is chapter 27 hope u enjoy reading it and I promise to post more often.

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