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[ yoonjae's pov ]


as if my dream bubble just popped, i was pulled back into reality by an ear-splitting yell from my teacher. the pen from my hand dropped on the floor making a clinking sound that resonated throughout the silent, bronzed classroom attracting the attention of nearly all the students present in my class.

i awkwardly shifted on my seat and lowered my head, after picking the pen up, feeling slightly uncomfortable as i felt many eyes on me. but soon their gazes turned to my best friend hana, who was interrupted from her daydreaming. 

she must be dreaming of jake again.

flinching, she fumbled with the pages of her textbook while cursing inaudibly before answering the teacher, "y-yes miss bae?"

"you dare to daydream in my class?" she asked while glaring at her.

hana hastily shook her head, frantically fluttering her hands in the air, terrified.

in that moment, i stealthily opened my closed textbook and silently turned to any random page before hiding my face in it with just my eyes and nose peeping out of the top.

"can you tell me what we were reading?" gulping, she glanced at me from her peripheral vision and looked at my book, before proudly replying,

"the male reproductive system." her words resonated in the pin-drop silenced classroom as i widened my eyes, mentally face palming myself. miss bae cocked her eyebrows at the response while the whole class looked towards our seat with an amused smile lingering on their faces.

god, i don't know her.

"we aren't?! then why your book has turned to that page yoonjae?"

sometimes i wonder if she is really that dumb or is just pretending.

my heart suddenly started thumping loudly as i slowly hid myself behind taehyung, who was tuned around in his seat to witness the drama. but whom am i even kidding? that brat smirked and leaned back, fully uncovering me.

taking in a deep breath, she clenched her eyes shut in frustration.

"you both get the fuck out of my class now! and run 4 laps around the field after school!" i got shivers down my spine after hearing her stern voice.

"sorry miss." i sighed, standing up from my seat and shifted my eyes on the floor, walking out of the classroom with hana.

"fucking dwarfs!" the teacher's yell got suppressed when i closed the door behind us. we finally let out our breath that we kept held for a long time.

she groaned when i smacked her on the head. "oww! what?"

"why did you have to say that? my image is ruined. what will people think of me now?" i panicked.

"like you had an image before," she paused before rolling her eyes and continued, "first you tell, why were you staring at that?"

"at what?"

"at 'that' " she finger-quoted the word 'that'.

i gulped before looking down at my feet.

"i was not staring at it okay? it's a long story. let it be."

she squinted her eyes at me, totally not buying that.

"and you tell, when will you stop simping on jake?"

"hmm? when hens will start giving milk."


(._.) boring?

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