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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬THE GIRL

WELCOME TO THE INTERNET by bo burnham❝it was always the plan to put the world in your hand

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❝it was always the plan to put the world in your hand.❞

        LATER THAT NIGHT, TIFFANY and Dustin talked about Will. He told her what him, Lucas, Mike and some girl named Eleven saw. He told her about the lake and the body and she helped him get through it. He was going to be upset for awhile, but he at least had someone to talk to about it. The next morning, Nancy went over to the Henderson's house to get Tiffany to tell her about what she saw yesterday at Steve's house. She knocked on the door and Tiffany answered. "Hey Nance."

Tiffany looked horrible. She had one of her worst nightmares in her life last night and she had her hair in a messy ponytail, she had black leggings on, a white skin tight tank top, a giant zipped up sweater and her white converse. "Oh, wow, you look awful."

"Thanks. Love you too." She let Nancy in and Tiffany started putting her school stuff in her bag. "What is it, Nance?"

"I needed to talk to you about something. I think Barb is missing."

"She probably just went to her aunt or grandma's house, remember?" Tiffany reminded her tiredly.

"No, no, I know she's missing. She wasn't there." Tiffany looked at her concerningly. "Barb's missing?"

"Yeah. And I saw something at Steve's yesterday." Nancy said, having this look of horror in her eyes.

"Oh gross. I don't wanna hear about you and your-" Tiffany began.

"Tiffany! He didn't know I was there!" Nancy cut off.

"Woah! Gross!" Tiffany grimaced.

"No! Just listen! I went back to see if Barb came back or something. But, I saw this really tall, skinny man. It looked like he had no face." Tiffany looked at her with shock. "Was this guy grayish, slimy and his hands sort of looked like claws?"

"Yeah. How did you know?" Nancy questioned.

"Holy shit." Tiffany ran a hand through her hair.


"M-my nightmares. Those things are in my nightmares and me and Joyce saw one and I killed it...or...at least I think I did. Clearly not." Suddenly, Tiffany's phone rang, scaring them both. Tiffany answered it. "Hello? Oh hi. I have school. Really? Alright, I guess I can come over for a little while. Alright. Bye."

"Who was it?"

"Your mom. Mike's not going to school and she wants me to watch him."

"Oh, okay. I'll see you later then."

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