Chapter Two

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Previously in chapter one

It was the next morning and I took a shower, and dressed up all fancy, but still casual. I had on a pair of blue jeans, a light blue hoodie and under it my black shirt. Trying to figure out what boots I should wear. I'll go with my light blue boots. ( The ones on the book cover )

I look at myself in the mirror, wow I say to myself. I'm absolutely stunning if Mom was her to me right now she would melt in tears of joy. She always loved to see me dressed up like this.

We ate breakfast then went to the truck, heading to the church.

This is going to be rough.

It's now Saturday and Mom is dead.

Recently in chapter Two
Monday the funeral will take place. It would be long and full of pain, we had gotten the news that Mom's horse died and today we had gotten that new horse she is wild spirited.

Once she is used to us and clams down we are going to start more training with her.

We are teaching her to ride, stand still, and ground manners. Today the training starts.

The thing that is keeping me happy is the fact that mom had died doing what she loved and now she is with her horse and other family and friends that had passed away from this bipolar world.

Being a country kid is hard, my school is very hard on me, because my family is an old time country. I don't care though I like to ride horses, I always loved the feeling of being free.

The horse's spirit is what keeps me going. Knowing I'm safe up high.

14 cleared the announcer says, they added show jumping to the show even though it's English it still looks fun, I jumped logs a few times western, but I never thought about competition jumping there is a lot of money involved and the skills you need are very different then western.

I wouldn't mind jumping, but I love trick riding.

The new horse is English they gave us her English tack she is good at Jumping and Dressage. Her jump height is 7 feet, but she shows 6 feet.

I have watched FEI TV. So I know a thing or two about English riding, it's kinda like riding bare back, you have to have good balance and good core muscles. You have to be able to keep your weight on your heels, toes out, back straight, head up.

It's about staying with the horses movement, if the horse body goes up you go up, it's about being quiet and relaxed.

UP! The man that brought the horse screams at the horse. GET UP ALL READY!

The horse refuses the jump, let me do it. Speaking out of turn, ok little girl if you think you're a horse whisperer then get this horse to jump. He say handing me the lunge line through the round pin.

I get in and take the lunge line off, giving the horse a chance to relax, picking up the wip I lightly pop it in the air, sending her walking around the round pin. I make the cluking sounds sending her troutting, making the sound again she does a flying change and jumps the pole.

Looking at my Dad, I see a sparkle in his eye. That's my girl, just like your mother.

Put her in the barn.

Come girl, puting the lunge line on her I walk her to her stall, it had her name plate on it and her tack on the out side wall by, my locker.

Brushing her, my Dad walks in.

I know you want to do trick riding, but I think you'll do better jumping, u want to put you in jumping lessons. I'll wait for you to be ready, there are a lot of people and horses for you to look at for training before you use her.

You can choose from hunter, jumping, evening what ever you want. All I can see is that your born to jump and that horse will take you far from home.

You could travel the world on her like you wanted, seeing the world making friends giving horses forever home to rest from abuse and neglect.

This is your chance. You could over come anything, become more brave, more then you thought you would.

You would know what it's like to have wings.

It's your chance to be a legend.

Ok, Dad I wisper to myself, thinking hard about it.

8:30, I'm getting ready for bed. Slipping on my night clothes, lay in bed searing at the old roor that's cover this old beat down house for years now. Thinking to myself about, what should I do? Maybe show jumping won't be so bad. Maybe I'll have fun.

Thinking about every possible answer I fall asleep to the sound of a thunder storm, hopen nothing happens to the horses.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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