you fight but can't sleep without each other

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"Y/N?" You heard Namjoon say from the other side of the door. He had his hand hovering over the door, just about to fall against it to knock.

But, although his voice was quiet, he knew you'd heard it. You hadn't said a word back to him, nor did he hear your sock-covered feet padding across the floor to the door to unlock it and let him in.

He took the silence in the air as a sign that you needed some space and room to breathe after the fight you shared.

But, truthfully, you just didn't know what to say and you wondered if the fight would be brought up again. You didn't want to relive it, especially not when you both had a long and hard day today.

Part of you hoped he'd ask for you to let him in, but you only heard him walk away and watched the shadow of his feet under the door fade as he went to the guest room across the hall.

You figured some sleep would do you both some good. You'd patch things up in the morning and sleep it on for the night.

You knew everything would be fine. Your fight wasn't that bad, but you were both frustrated easily after the day you both had. It just didn't end the way it usually would; with an apology right away, a chuckle as you both wondered why you got so carried away, and then cuddles.

But tomorrow was his day off, and yours too. It'd be better then. You just had to get through the night.

Your eyes were heavy and you figured it wouldn't take long for you to fall asleep. You laid your head on the pillow with a yawn, instinctively moving to his side of the bed for some comfort.

It didn't compare to the warmth of his arms and his smell that you'd usually find when you bury your face in his neck instead of in his pillowcase.

But it was better than nothing. You thought you'd fall asleep just fine.

But time dragged on. You couldn't get to sleep, despite how exhausted you felt. It's so hard to sleep when he's not there to hold you.

You should've known that it wouldn't be enough. It barely helps you get through the months he's away. Of course it'd be nothing when he was right down the hall, so close yet so far away.

You sat up and brushed your fingers through your messy hair. You looked at the clock and found that it was nearing two in the morning. You'd spent so long tossing and turning restlessly, convincing yourself that you'd fall asleep while time was passing by and you're getting frustrated now that you're still wide awake, but not surprised.

You wouldn't ever get through the night like this. You needed Namjoon.

So you pushed the covers away and got out of bed. You unlocked the bedroom door and opened it before tiptoeing down the hall. The door to the guest room he was in was wide open. The curtains were drawn shut and the room was dark. You thought he was asleep.

But you were wrong. He, like you, was wide awake. And you knew that when he turned the lamp on and gazed at you with soft eyes before pushing the blankets aside for you to join him in the bed.

You tiptoed over to him and laid beside him.

"I was hoping you'd come in here sometime tonight." He said and then smiled as you put your head on his chest.

"I can't sleep."

He put his arm around you and began to rub your back.

"The bed is too big and too cold without you. I hate it when you're not laying next to me, holding me. It reminds me of when you're away."

He shushed you softly before he held you tight.

"I feel the same way. I couldn't sleep. This bed is comfortable for our friends and family when they stay but it's not something I'd spend my nights sleeping on. It's too unfamiliar. I like our bed more. I like holding you."

You cracked a smile as he kissed your head lovingly.

"I'm sorry," you both said in unison and he chuckled after that.

"It was a dumb argument. We both had hard days. Let's just forget it ever happened. Put it behind us and move on." He suggested and you nodded in agreement.

"Sounds good to me." You whispered and he reached over you to turn the lamp back off before laying back down on the bed.

His hand ran along your back in comfortable silence. He planted kisses to your head, whispered promises in your ear about how he never wants to fight with you again.

He promised everything was fine as he held you tight and you breathed in his smell, letting it fill your lungs and bring you inexpressible comfort; like always.

A few minutes passed by before he spoke up.

"Wanna go back to our bed?"

You didn't answer him verbally, rather through your soft breaths against his neck as he realized you had fallen asleep.

That's all it took. His arms, his smell, his voice in your ear, his promises that everything was gonna be just fine.

All you needed was him, and all he needed was you.

He kissed your head lingeringly and whispered,

"Goodnight, baby. I love you. Sleep well."

As he laid his head on the pillow, he knew he'd definitely be sleeping well now that he was holding you in his arms, where you feel that you belong most.

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