you fix his bike for him (requested)

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"Hey, baby? I'm going to go for a quick bike ride." Namjoon said as he came up to you in the living room, where you sat on the sofa scrolling through your phone.

"Okay, baby. Have fun!" You smiled and kissed his lips softly before he kissed your cheek a couple of times and then headed out of the house.

You put your phone down and watched out the window so you could see him go by.

Sometimes you tag along and go on bike rides with him on your own bike but today, you felt like staying behind and just watching him go.

However, you sat there for a few minutes and he never went by.

You frowned and decided to go out and check on him.

You stepped outside and felt the sun shining on your shoulders right away.

You saw Namjoon on the ground as he cursed and mumbled to himself while messing with his bike.

"Baby? Is everything alright?"

"No. My bike is broken." He said before running his hands over his face. "It's such a nice morning and I was so looking forward to going on a nice bike ride. Now, I have to miss out because of the damn thing."

You knelt on the ground in front of the bike and started to look it over.

"I don't know what's going on with it. It sounds funny when I try to ride it and it keeps getting stuck, like it won't move. I'm gonna have to get it fixed." He rambled as you began to mess with it. "Would it be okay if I used your bike today, baby? I mean, I'd have to adjust it a little but maybe I can use that?"

"I'd let you but," You paused before standing back up and staring at him with a bright smile. "Your bike is fixed, handsome."

He furrowed his eyebrows at you and got on it.

He didn't think you had actually fixed it.

He thought the problem was something really serious and that he might have to take it to a professional or maybe even get a new bike altogether.

But, to his surprise, as he began to ride it around in a circle on the driveway, it was working fine, as if it never had any issue in the first place.

"What did you do to it?" He asked as he got off, putting up the kickstand. "I can't believe you fixed it. How did you fix it? Do you have magical powers?"

You laughed before putting your arms around his neck and giving him a loving kiss.

"No, but I am from the Netherlands, I was born with it."

He chuckled as he brushed his fingers across your back.

"You have to show me how you fixed it. You're so smart."

"I would but it's more fun keeping it to myself and watching you be in awe of me when I finish fixing something."

"I'm always in awe of you, you're beautiful and crazy smart."

You smiled before kissing him again.

"Do you want to go on a bike ride with me, darling? It's a beautiful morning. The sun is shining, the weather is perfect. Tag along with me?"

You hadn't felt up to it before but you have to admit that going on a bike ride with your boyfriend sounded pretty amazing now.

So you nodded and watched his eyes light up.

"Just give me a minute to change into something comfortable and lock up and then we can go."

"Okay, baby." He said and kissed you again before you went back into the house, smiling brightly to himself as he shook his head, just so in love with everything about you.

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