my biggest fan (requested)

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"Y/N, baby?" Namjoon spoke as he came downstairs. "My phone died. I plugged it in but Jimin was texting me. Can I use your phone to text him back?"

"Of course, baby. Do whatever you want on it, I don't mind." You told your boyfriend as you handed your phone over to him.

He sat down on the sofa beside you and tapped on Jimin's contact before typing out a response to his text.

"Are you up to watching a movie?" You asked.

"Yeah." He replied and you reached for the remote to find something that you could watch together.

Your boyfriend closed out of the conversation with Jimin and decided to scroll through your phone for a few minutes.

He opened Twitter and to his surprise, you weren't signed into your official account but rather a fan page.

And he was even more surprised that it was dedicated to him.

He saw that you had established a pretty decent following and, curious about the things you tweet, he began to look through everything.

You posted quite a variety of things about him.

From tweets just talking about how much you love him, to edits that you've made of him, and even tweets praising him endlessly about how handsome and how kind he is.

You didn't just talk about how beautiful he is on the outside but on the inside as well.

You talked about how much you admire how humble, how kind, and how absolutely perfect he is in your eyes.

But the more he scrolled down, the more he saw that you didn't just post about him but you also defended him a lot.

You didn't waste much time or energy on the negative and jealous people that spread hate towards him and the boys, but he also knows you're not the type to just sit back and not speak up when you see something that doesn't sit right with you.

So when people said that he's unattractive, that he doesn't deserve his success, that he can't write music well, and that he doesn't deserve anything good in the world, you were quick to defend him.

You weren't afraid to tell those people off and to make it known that he is your whole life.

You praised him endlessly.

You told those that sent him hate that they're missing out on being a fan of such a genuinely beautiful human being.

You repeatedly said that he's the most generous, most genuine, most handsome man to walk the earth.

That he is full of talent and that he only ever radiates kindness and love and that they're missing out on so many wonderful things by being so close-minded and negative.

You made it clear that he deserved all the love and happiness in the world because he's genuinely a good-hearted human being, one that isn't just breathtaking on the outside but on the inside as well.

He put your phone down and without a word, he pulled you onto his lap and held you tight.

You buried your face in his neck and giggled against his skin as he squeezed you and felt his heart swell in his chest.

"Are you okay, baby?"

He nodded his head as you pulled back a little to stare at him.

You caressed his cheek as you stared into his eyes.

"What is it?"

"I love you." He said. "A lot."

"I love you too." You said as you kissed the corners of his lips.

"I saw your fan page for me."

His words took you by surprise and you went wide-eyed and ready to deny everything, only for him to lean in and kiss your lips softly.

"You are the sweetest, most beautiful girl in the world." He said. "Those things you said about me, the way that you defended me so kindly, I just am so in awe. I don't know what I ever did to deserve you."

"Baby, you're amazing. You deserve the whole world."

"I know some people can be mean and it's so easy to fight fire with fire but you didn't do that. Instead, you listed things about me that you love and told people that if they refused to see that, it was their loss. I just don't even know what to say. You're just amazing." He said with a bright smile.

"You're my whole world, Namjoon. I'm always going to be there to defend you against people like that. I don't need to be hateful in return, you've helped me realize that. But I can still speak up and make it known that you're the sweetest and most handsome man in the world and that if anyone can't see that, they're missing out on so much."

His lips pulled up into a sweet smile as he brushed his fingers across your arms lovingly.

"I wish everyone saw you the way I do. I wish everyone could see how hardworking, talented, kind, handsome, and perfect you are. I feel bad for those who don't. But it's their loss. Meanwhile, I'm lucky because I get to love you and be loved by you. Your fans get to watch you shine. The boys get to see how important they are to you every single day. We're all very lucky."

"I love you so much." He whispered softly.

"I love you too."

"I'm so going to brag to the boys that you have a fan page for me and post about how much you love me every day."

"No, don't!" You laughed together.

"I'm so lucky to call you mine." He said. "I love you. Thank you for always being my biggest fan."

"Forever and ever, Namjoon. I promise." You said before you cupped his cheeks in your palms and put your lips on his, giving him the sweetest and softest kisses as his heart nearly exploded from the love he has for you.

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