Chapter 1

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Clink Clink Clink

In the office of a certain principal of UA,the principal,Nezu move the piece white knight on the chess board.

In front of him,sit against the female with purple hair. She simply wore white turtleneck shirt with long black coat. She also wore gray jean pants.

The female easily move queen in her turn."Checkmate"

With a victory smirk on your face,you drink the tea that Nezu served you. Nezu still have happy go lucky look on his face,raising his right paw.

"As expected,I still lose to you. With this it's 153 times that you won"

You hum,closing your eyes, drinking the earl gray while listening Nezu rambling. You slowly open your eyes after hearing Nezu next question.

"Why did you move king first?"

You stop drinking. Putting the cup on the table,answering a simplest answer.

"If the King doesn't lead,how can he expect his subordinates to follow?"

"What a knowledgeable answer"Nezu said, admitting what the girl in front of just said is true.

There is comfortable silent between them. Thankfully,Nezu broke the silent first.

"I heard that HPSC gave you a mission that include you will teleport to another dimension"The headmaster voice turn into serious one,looking at his student who is calm like nothing is happening to her.

"That's right. I heard they will be there"

Nezu look at you in pity. "How pitiful. Having serious traumatic in past. I can't even help you to heal some of them" Nezu look to the table. Unable to look to the girl eyes.

"I don't need pity"Y/N said,as if she read the mouse thoughts,she ignored it while continues.

"I choose to be this way"

"I see"Nezu have a sad look on his face,looking at the stoic girl in front of him. "That's right. 'Shadow Hero:Medea' existed because of that"

The purple haired girl ignored what Nezu just said. Stand up,walking where the door is. "I have to meet with Hawks since he is whining like a child to spend times with me"Y/N grumbled.

Nezu chuckles,"Have a nice day then"

"Same to you"

With that the girl,walk outside the office. Her purple eyes glow making as a sign that she is using her quirk.


In a blink of eyes,a shadow knight is standing where you stood once. You look at your surrounding.

It seems that you are in a rooftop. There the male with red wings looking down to the people,searching if there's a sign of the villain.

You slowly stand beside the blonde haired male. "Any villain attacks?"The males flinches in surprise.

"Geeze,Queen. You seriously stop doing that. You are making my small heart stop if you continues"Hawks dramatically hold where his heart is.

'Queen' that's the nickname that Hawks give to you. Hawks or Keigo Takami is your childhood friend. You meet him when you are in HPSC. He start to call you 'Queen' when he saw after you used your quirk.

He called that because you look like a queen leading her sovereign army.

That makes you snorted. "That's no gonna happen".

(I forgot to mentioned people like Hawks and Dabi is aged down so they are nineteen years old in this story)

"If you have that kind of weak heart. You are already dead by now"

Hawks pout like a child. "Cruel as usual. Like a winter"The male made a 'hmp' sound looking at the other place except where you are standing.

You sighed putting your hair bangs to behind. "Still childish as always"Hawks look back to you grinning.

"You don't hate it"He made a post. That make you thought how you become friends with him again.

Putting your two hands on your coat pockets. You look at the clear blue sky.

Closing your eyes,listening the sound of people and cars horns. "It's peaceful"

You didn't forget to put one of your shadows to Hawks. Just in case if something happen to him,you can teleport yourself to save him.

Slowly opening her eyes,showing her purple orbs. One thing that she thought is that.

"How annoying"


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To Be Continued.

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