Chapter Seven

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Caitlin and Kara talk to some familiar faces, Barry's missing and someone doesn't make it out of a confrontation alive. 

Caitlin and Kara walked into Jitters in Central City, they looked around the room for Alex and J'onn. They spotted them at a table near the back of Jitters so they headed over. When they got over their Alex and J'onn stopped their very animated conversation to greet them.

A-"Kara, Caitlin hi."

C-"Hi Alex, J'onn."


J-"So what did you two want to talk about?"

Kara and Caitlin sat down opposite Alex and J'onn. Alex and J'onn could tell Kara was anxious about something.

A-"What's wrong?"

Kara sighed and looked at Caitlin before answering her sister.

K-"Um I have something to tell you, and I don't know how you're going to react."


K-"I'm pregnant."

Alex and J'onn stare at her before both of their faces grin in delight.

A-"Wait are you serious?"

Kara nodded her head before Alex jumped out of her seat to hug her sister, J'onn not far behind her. Once Kara had received hugs off both her sister and father figure, they sat back down before Kara spoke again.

K-"But their's more. I haven't told Mon-el."


K-"I received a letter from Reign, she's threatening to kill my baby if I tell anyone. Also Gideon informed me of something in the timeline. Mon-el doesn't live to see our baby being born."


C-"We don't know who kills him but what we do know is that if Kara tells him she's pregnant he'll never leave her side and then that could cause catastrophic effects to the timeline."

J-"Who else knows?"

C-"Just us four and Dawn."

A-"Okay so what are you going to do?"

K-"I was hoping to back to Midvale to have the baby, then when I have had the baby I could come back."

C-"I said I would go out and join her a few weeks after she leaves to help her."

A-"Yeah that's a good idea and I'll come with you. You shouldn't be on your own."

K-"Thank you both."

A-"No problem."

J-"Not a problem."

The four spent the next hour talking about recent events before Caitlin and Kara headed back to the Justice Hall. When they got their Winn and Cisco were running around very panicked.

K-"Hey, what's wrong?"

Winn turned to look at the ladies with a panicked face,

WINN-"Um, The school called Nora, Barry wasn't their to pick up Dawn, so she's gone to pick her up. William and Mia are both stuck in a board meeting and they will us here as soon as possible. Meanwhile Mon-el has gone to try and find Barry."

CA-"Why didn't you call us?'

CI-"I remember you both said your meeting was important so we didn't want to worry you guys."

K-"Well, any luck finding Barry?"


The group turned around as Mon-el walked into the hall with his suit on.

MO-"I've looked everywhere he's nowhere."

Just then Nora and Dawn ran into the hall.

D-"Why didn't daddy pick me up?"

N-"Well, we don't know where daddy is at the moment, but we'll find him. Don't worry."

Nora and Dawn stopped by the adults looking at them expectantly.

N-"Any luck?"

CI-"We've got the monitors scanning for tachyons but we're coming up empty."

N-"Where could he have gone?"

K-"I'm not sure."

Just then a two pairs of foot steps were heard rushing into the hall,

MI-"We came as soon as we could, what have we got?"


WINN-"We need a plan because I don't know where he could be."

K-"Okay, everybody suit up, myself and Mon-el will go and patrol over the city. Mia, Nora and Caitlin you guys go on foot. Everybody stay on comms."

Everybody nodded and ran off in different directions, they checked everywhere, STAR Labs, the time vault, jitters, the DEO, his old house, the loft, Joe's house. They couldn't find Barry. Mon-el and Kara walked back into the Hall with Mia, Nora and Caitlin behind them.

K-"He's nowhere. He can't have vanished into thin air."

N-"You don't think?"

K-"No, we're not going their."

The room became silent as everybody began to think if they knew where Barry was. When clapping was heard towards the front of the hall so the group turned around. Barry walks out of the shadows dressed all in black. Their's something about his demeanour that is putting the entire room on edge. Everybody takes a step forward, Nora places a hand on her sisters shoulder in a protective gesture. Everybody's faces drop as Barry walks up to them and stops about five feet in front of them.


CI-"What happened to you?"

B-"What happened to me? I lost the love of my life Cisco and none of you did anything to stop it. All of you were their yet none of you could see that Iris was dying inside, none of you could see that she was losing her mind. She lost the will to live so she ended her life."

CA-"Barry, please this isn't you."

B-"But it is Caitlin. We saw what I would become if I lost Iris and look - here I am."


Kara, Dawn and Nora have tears running down their faces, Cisco and Caitlin have tears in their eyes as the rest of the group look shocked.

K-"Barry listen to me-"

B-"No! You listen to me! I don't know how any of you live with yourselves, knowing that you watched one of our family members die without even knowing it. How can you all stand their and look at me like you don't blame yourselves?"

N-"We do dad, we do blames ourselves. We live with that guilt everyday."

K-"Nora's right, all of us live with that guilt everyday, this isn't the way to deal with her death."

Kara walks closer to Barry trying to calm him down.

K-"Barry, please. This isn't the Barry we all know and love."

Barry starts to vibrate his hand,

B-"Well none of you clearly know me that well."

Barry moves his vibrating hand to Kara's chest. The entire room screams 'No!' Mon-el pushes Kara to the side, allowing Barry's hand to shred his own heart. Mon-el's body falls to the floor with a thud, as Barry speeds out of the hall leaving a group of shocked heroes.

Caitlin and Dawn rush to help Kara up of the floor before they all stare at Mon-el's body on the floor. It takes a moment before Kara screams and collapses back to the floor with Dawn and Caitlin hugging her. Everybody has tears running down their faces, after a few moments Winn walks up to Mon-el's body and gently closes his eyes. 

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