24 - Goodbye

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'Am I now? What are you gonna do? Rip my throat out with your teeth? Bite me maybe? I hate to break it to you, baby, but you can't hurt me.' Derek scoffs. 'You greatly overestimate how much I like you.' Everyone looks at Stiles in shock when he starts to laugh. 'Baby, I know you don't give a shit about me. This has everything to do with me. You're not going to get the chance to hurt me, Derek.' At that the wolf attempts to wrap his hand around Stiles' throat, but before he can lay a finger on the delicate skin, his arm is pushed out of the way and Stiles shoves his chest hard. Derek stumbles into Scott who is half stood behind him and stares at Stiles in shock.

That's when all hell breaks loose. The wolves start screaming at Stiles, insulting him, threatening to kill him. Until Stiles calmly speaks up. 'I'm a little confused here. See, all of you are saying that you want to kill me, but essentially you're just standing there. Unless one of you developed some kind of telekinetic powers, I don't think this is going to work very well.' Five pairs of eyes are trained on Stiles who is kind of hoping for a fight at this point. He is beyond pissed off. At the pack that abandoned him. His family that never deemed him good enough. His brother who threw him aside the second something better came along. The man he fell for who broke his heart. And the girl who he used to be so jealous of, but who now seems so cold and lonely.

It feels like two different worlds are facing each other. Like they took two different directions at the most important crossroads of their lives. And the fact that Stiles turned right fills him with strength. So he raises his head high and practically asks for the pack to attack him. If only to make them see how unbreakable he has become. To show them that he truly doesn't need them anymore. It feels a little petty to Stiles. He thinks he shouldn't have to prove anything to his former friends, but he wants the satisfaction of putting them in their place.

Surprisingly, Braeden is the first one to move in on him. Stiles doesn't even have to use his powers to knock her down. But with that attack, all hesitations are gone. The spark allows himself a little while to actually engage in a physical fight. The feeling of his fist hitting flesh and muscle almost brings a smile to his face. Out of the corner of his eyes, he can make out four figures standing on the rooftops of the surrounding buildings. Stiles quickly finds Jackson's silhouette and throws him a reassuring smile. None of them move. They know that this is something Stiles has to do on his own.

After a few minutes of punching and dodging, he is done. 'Alright, as fun as it is to hit you guys, I've got other places to be. So let's wrap this up, shall we?' The wolves stare at him in slight confusion, but before they can attack him again, there is a bright flash. The sizzling of electricity floods the entire alley and within a mere second, the pack is writhing around on the ground. 'Hurts, doesn't it?' He lets out a little chuckle. 'Well, not that I would know.' Despite the pain, the pack turns their heads to look up at him. Their eyes widen at the blue sparks that dance over Stiles' skin. He is proud of the control he has over those now. 'You see, I have this nifty little ability now that allows me to control any electrical current. Among other things.'

He revels in the shocked looks for a moment before continuing. 'See, when I said you can't hurt me, I meant that literally. Your fangs and glowy eyes are no match for me anymore. So I highly suggest you get out of my city before I have to resort to harder methods. This', he lets the current flair up a little, 'is just a taste of what I can do.' When Stiles finally draws back his powers, the pack scramble to their feet and dart out of the alley. He stands there alone for a moment before Jackson's strong arms wrap him into a tight hug.

Oliver, Thea and Diggle join them, but all Stiles wants to do is drown into the embrace of his wolf and sob his heart out. So he does. To his surprise, three more pairs of arms wrap around him and he knows, this is his family now. And as crazy as it might be, he actually trusts them to not let him down.

An hour later, the two supernaturals are cuddled up on Stiles' couch. Jackson lovingly strokes the spark's hair and presses kisses to his temple. 'Sti, it's okay. They're gone. They will never hurt you again.' But Stiles only sobs harder. 'I hated who I was in that alley, Jax. I didn't recognize myself. I don't hurt people. I don't ever want to hurt people. Not like I did with the pack. What does that make me?' Jax tears up at the pain in Stiles' voice.

'Hey, I know who you are. You are sweet and kind hearted and absolutely amazing. What the pack has done to you is unforgivable. All you did was teach them a lesson and make sure they never come back here. There is nothing you should feel guilty about. And the fact that you do anyway is remarkable. I know it's hard, but don't let the pack take away your strength. Because you are so much stronger than them. They have put you through hell, but came out the other end just as amazing as you always were. You are magnificent, Stiles. Don't ever doubt that.'

Stiles cuddles deeper into his boyfriend's chest and the sobs slowly subside. 'Thank you, Jax. I don't know what I would do without you. I don't ever want to imagine what would have happened if I had stayed in Beacon Hills. What we have now, I wouldn't change that for the world. Please don't ever question that I want to be here with you. I love you, Jackson. So much. And I don't ever want to be without you.'

The werewolf smiles and lifts his spark's chin so they are looking at each other. 'I love you, Stiles. And I could never not want you right here in my arms. You are the most important person in my life. Now and forever. Okay?' Stiles nods and leans up to press a passionate kiss to Jackson's lips. The contact quickly escalates and the two make their way to the bedroom.

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