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"Kokichi? Are you done getting changed?" Maki asks knocking on the bathroom door.  

"This kimono feels funny." Kokichi says walking out of the bathroom. 

"Oh! You didnt tie it right. Here." Maki says as she ties kokichis kimono. 


"mhm! Kaito and the others are outside." Maki says ruffling kokichis hair. 

"...Okay." Kokichi mumbles fixing his hair as maki steps over to her closet taking out a few flower crowns she then walks over to kokichi placing a magenta one on his head and a pink one on hers. She then puts the rest in her bag. 

"Ready?" Maki asks looking at kokichi as he fixes the flower crown, the boy nods and the two walk out.


Maki and kokichi walk outside being greeted by kaito and the others. Maki instantly takes out her flower crowns giving kaede a red one kaito a dark purple one and shuichi a grey one. 

"Why?" Kaede asks staring maki dead in the eyes. 

"Because it looks cute on you." Maki says with a smile booping kaedes nose. 

"....Whatever." Kaede mumbles turning around as her face flushes a bright pink. Kokichi quietly giggles at this and turns to kaito grabbing his hand. 

"Ready?" Kokichi asks tilting his head a bit having a sorta unsure smile. Kaito returns the smile though looking a bit more confident and nodding.

The group then began to walk torwards the festival.


Once they found a spot the group set down a blanket and all of there stuff sitting around and chatting. Kokichi sat to the side with kaito playing a game. Kaito looked down watching as kokichi swiftly hit the buttons. Once reaching a check point kokichi paused for a moment and shifted how he was sitting and layed his head against kaito, continuing to play his game once he was comfortable. Kaitos face was visibly red, this man probably looked like a human lobster at the moment. "uhm- Kichi..." Kaito mumbled atempting to make sure kokichi did this on purpose.

Kokichi let out a simple "Mh?" sound focusing mostly on his game. Kaito let out a small chuckle.

"nevermind." he mumbled looking up at the sky as it began to get darker. "The fireworks will start soon." Kaito says looking down at kokichi who had paused his game and started to look up as well. Kokichi simply nodded in response. As a shooting star flashed by kaito shook kokichi a bit. "Look! Make a wish!" 

"Really? You think it works." Kokichi asks lifting his head up a bit to be looking at kaito.

Kaito nods, "Of course." Kokichi just giggles at kaitos slight childishness, wrapping his arms around kaitos arm.

"I already have all i could wish for." Kokichi mumbles, Before kaito could register what kokichi had said a loud bang was heard from above. 

"Look guys! The fireworks started!" Shouted miu who had only arrived moments ago.

A/n Sorry its so short! Its something that i sorta just wrote as i went so its probably really bad im sorry! <3 -Love, Author~chan

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