she carries you to bed (requested)

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"Home sweet home," Chaewon said as she pulled the car into the driveway and then turned it off.

You're arriving home from vacation. It's the first one you've been able to take together in a long while. You soaked up every minute spent with each other, finding each day to be better than the last as you caught up on some much-needed quality time together and some deep sleep.

But now you're home and although you've spent the past few days catching up on sleep, you both did so much and the drive was so long that you're worn out. Chaewon was struggling to keep her eyes open now that you're about to be in the safety of your home in only a moment and when she realized how quiet you were, she found you were already out like a light.

You were sound asleep. Soft breaths fell from your parted lips. Your head rested on the pillow you put against the door, in case you ended up drifting off to sleep during the ride home so you couldn't hit your head. It was a smart idea since you slept most of the way.

She got out of the car and went to your side. She opened the door and caught the pillow before it hit the ground. You groaned when it slipped from beneath your head and then turned your head to the other side to fall back asleep.

"Y/N?" Chaewon spoke your name softly, her hand gently falling onto your thigh, where she brushed her fingers along your skin in circles. "I know you're sleepy, baby, but it's time to get up. We're home now, so we can get you up to bed and cuddle if you want to."

You slowly opened your eyes, although they nearly closed again from how heavy they felt and how comforting the touch of her hand along your skin felt.

"Too tired." You mumbled and she just chuckled.

"How do you expect to get inside then, silly?" She teased as she brushed a lock of hair behind your ear. She watched you shrug your shoulders sleepily before she unbuckled your seatbelt. She knew what she had to do and, honestly, she didn't mind at all.

She helped you out of the car before having you put your arms around her neck and then carefully lifted you up. She closed the car door behind you, figuring that she'd get your stuff once you were in bed.

She unlocked the front door before carrying you up the steps. You were already falling back asleep with your head on her shoulder as she carried you as carefully but as quickly as she could.

Once she reached the bed, she gently laid you down on it. She grabbed the blanket from the foot of the bed and draped it up to your shoulders before she kissed your forehead lovingly.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, my love." She whispered softly, thinking you'd already fallen asleep, only for you to quickly shake your head and take ahold of her hand before she could even move.

"Stay here with me."

"Baby, our stuff is in the car." She giggled as she combed her fingers through your hair.

"We'll get it later." You mumbled sleepily and she knew that later meant in the morning to you, considering it was late now and there's no way you're leaving this bed now that you're so cozy in it. "Please, Chaewon?"

She couldn't resist. Especially not when you opened your eyes and gave her a pout.

"Okay, fine. You're too cute to say no to. Besides, after that long drive, I could use some cuddles with my girl." She said as she laid beside you and happily held you in her arms when you moved into them.

You tangled your legs with hers and closed your eyes. A small smile tugged at your lips when you felt her fingers intertwine with yours.

"I love you so much." She whispered. "I had the best time with you these few days. I've missed you so much."

"I feel the same." You whispered. "I love you too."

She kissed your head softly and brushed her thumb along your knuckles in circles as you drifted off to sleep.

"Sweet dreams, my love. I hope you sleep well." She whispered, deciding to spend her time until she got sleepy by watching you sleep so peacefully in her warm and secure embrace.

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