she's sad about the IZ*ONE disbandment (requested)

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Chaewon set her phone down as the news of IZ*ONE's disbandment went public.

She hung her head and looked at her lap in sadness.

The bed dipped as you sat down beside her and placed your head on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" You asked her as you put your arms around her to pull her close.

"Yeah." She quietly answered.

"It's okay if you aren't."

She let out a sigh before shrugging her shoulders.

"I knew that it was going to come to an end at some point. It was only a temporary group. But I didn't know I'd be this crushed when it ended. It's been such a huge part of my life and the girls are my closest friends. I feel like they're more like my sisters than my friends."

You rubbed her shoulder comfortingly.

"It's so hard to see it all come to an end. I loved this time of my life. It was everything to me to meet so many fans and to live out my dreams with my best friends in the world. I just hate knowing that it's all over. It makes me so sad."

She was starting to cry as she thought back to the last couple of years of her life.

They had been the greatest ever.

Every day was full of happiness as she got to perform and meet fans across the world.

But it was always going to end at some point, they all knew that from the day they began.

But still, it was bittersweet.

"I"m sorry, baby. I know how much you loved IZ*ONE. I know it was your dream come true."

"It was." She sniffled.

"But, baby, just because the group is over doesn't mean that everything is coming to an end. The girls will always be part of your life. You've made memories and created a bond so strong that nothing can ever ruin it, not even the group disbanding. You will always have the fans on your side with whatever you pursue in the future. And, speaking of the future, it's so bright, baby. You're going places. Whether you go solo or get into another group, your dreams are far from over."

She looked at you and a small smile pulled at her lips.

"All good things must come to an end at some point. I know it doesn't make it any easier and I know that you're sad, but I promise you, this is far from the end."

"I know." She said as she put her hand on your thigh.

"You have nothing to worry about. But, as for being sad, that's natural. It was such a huge part of your life. I understand that you're sad. I just hope you know that IZ*ONE will live on forever. You're all going down in history. You all did so many great things. You made such great songs and you accomplished so much together. No one will ever forget IZ*ONE, not ever."

"You're right. I know the group will live on in fans' hearts forever and I know we have so much to be proud of. It's just sad seeing it all end." She said.

"For the record, I'm so proud of you, and watching you shine in this group and live out your dreams has been incredible. I'll always be proud of you and no matter what the future holds, I promise to always support you."

"Thank you, sweet girl. You're amazing." She smiled as she kissed your lips lovingly. "How'd I ever get so lucky?"

"I ask myself the same thing every day."

You laid down and pulled her down with you.

She put her head on your shoulder as you started to play with her hair.

"Tell me about all of your good memories with IZ*ONE."

"We'd be here all night if I did that." She chuckled and took your free hand into hers, playing with your fingers.

"I know. I don't mind." You smiled as she looked up at you. "Come on, baby. Tell me. I want to hear it all."

And with the biggest grin on her face, as her sadness began to fade away a little, she reflected on the great times with her best friends as she followed her dreams and told you about everything she possibly could.

And you listened to every word with a soft smile, happy to hear her talk so happily about that part of her life that she'd never forget for as long as she lives.

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