you're sick

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A sad sigh fell from Chaewon's lips as she arrived home after a busy afternoon, finding you curled up on the sofa and looking even more miserable than before.

The garbage can beside you was upstairs beside your bed and at the time, it was empty. But now, it's full of tissues and the wrappers of the cough drops that she got you in hopes that it'd soothe your very sore throat.

She walked to you and put her hand on your forehead. You were burning up. You had a blanket over you, one you've been kicking off and pulling back over you as you got hot one second and so cold you shiver the next.

Right now, you had one leg out from the blanket, resting over the fluffy fabric while your other leg was beneath it.

It was a way that you felt comfortable enough to sleep, which you need right now with the awful cold you have.

As she caressed your warm forehead, lost in her thoughts, you opened your tired eyes and stared up at her.

"Hi, my love." She smiled before kissing your head. "How are you feeling?"

You coughed into your elbow a few times before sniffling.


"I'm sorry, darling. How long has it been since you've taken your medicine?"

"I haven't taken any since you left this morning. I know I should've and I know it's right there on the table but I've been so tired and I had no energy."

"That's okay, I understand. Take it now though. Then, after that, if you want, I'll make you some soup."

"Okay." You said, your voice so scratchy it was unrecognizable.

Chaewon grabbed the medicine and pulled the cap off, pouring some of the liquid into it before she had you sat up just a little so you could swallow it.

You wrinkled your nose in disgust after swallowing it down before coughing a couple more times and laying back down.

"How about some soup? It'll make your throat feel a little better."

You could only hope.

So you nodded and closed your eyes as Chaewon kissed your forehead.

"Thank you," you mumbled.

"No need to thank me, baby. I'll be back."

You nodded and hummed quietly as she covered you up when you began to shiver.

It took her a few minutes but she returned to your side with the soup just a few minutes later.

She woke you up again by stroking your cheek.

"Here's your soup, baby," she smiled and you sat up and she put the spoon of noodles and broth up to your lips.

"Babe, I can feed myself."

"No, no. You're sick and I'm taking care of you. So eat up, let me feed you. You just relax, hopefully, the broth will help your throat."

You nodded and ate the soup, enjoying the broth the most as it brought your throat a little relief.

You were finished soon after you started eating. Your appetite just wasn't there. But Chaewon didn't push you to eat any more. You ate and that was all that mattered.

"Are you okay? Do you need more blankets? Water? Pillows? Do you want me to carry you up to bed? Would you be more comfortable there?"

"No. I'm okay right here." You mumbled as you stared at her despite your heavy eyes wanting to close.

"How about some cuddles?"

You cracked a smile at that and Chaewon felt her heart flutter at the sight.

"I'd like that."

She nodded and curled up on the sofa beside you, happily holding you close when you moved into her embrace.

"I love you."

"I love you too, sweet girl," Chaewon whispered. "Get some sleep. Hopefully you'll feel better soon."

"I hope so." You mumbled as you began to drift off to sleep, finding comfort in her arms and the brush of her fingertips along your back.

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