Chapter 2: Did You Mean it?

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Walter woke up with a thought in his confusing head. What happened last night? Was it real? For once, Walter had no clue what had happened. "Oh God." He looked at his watch. He had over-slept. Walter O'brien never over-sleeps. "Crap!" He shouted and got out
of the bed. He realized that he had his adult pjs on. After taking a two mintues shower Walter rushed down the steps while fixing his tie. "Look who finaly decided to show up!" Toby shouted out while looking him in the eye. "So Walter...something bothering you?" Walter looked at Paige. "H-Hm...? Oh, uh no. Nothing is Uh on the mind today." Paige nodded. "Right. So um, After Ralph finished school can you get an agent to watch him? He is still in shock from yesterday." Paige put her hand on his shoulder. "Yea sure, of course." Walter smiled then walked over to tell something to Cabe. "Has he called yet?" Walter asked the agent who had a pale look on his face. "Yea. Should we tell them?" Walter looked around while thinking of a response to his question. "I don't want to hide anything from them, but..i also want to protect them." He looked at Cabe with a smile on his face. "right" Cabe walked away as Walter walked over to Paige. "So um. The guy, Chris who is watching Collins .. He called telling us his position. And um..." Walter puased "Collins got out again." He looked to the floor. "How could you let that happen!? Walter your supposed to be the smartest guy in earth! You can't even keep a guy in jail! Your stubborn like that, i know Becuase you won't let me say that I love you!" Paige puased..did she Actualy say that? As everybody stared at her Paige backed up. She wanted to say something but just backed away and went into the other room.
"What do you got?" Walter asked Chris Aarons who keeps an eye on Mark. "Any news of how you possibly lost him?" Walter had an angry look on his face. "Boss said he got out when I was on break. They found an open window..we seal the windows tight we don't know how he possibly got out." Chris fixed the holster that held his gun. "He is a genius...a phsycopathic genius...what do you expect." Cabe looked at Walter then back a Chris "Do you know where he went?" Chris shook his head. "Give me his files, I can find him." Walter looked at Cabe then at the cell well Mark was. He walked inside and looked at the window "He used a Radiant of the ones from his deadly weapon he put to our heads." Walter grabbed the files from Chris then headed out "Thank you."
"Paige can I ask you a question?" Sylvester went up to the women with a letter in his hand. "Sure Sly..what's up?" Paige folded her arms while looking at the human calculator. "I want to give Megan a letter..telling her everything i Uh.. Um.. That is wrong with me to say. So do I end it?" He handed her the letter. When Paige opened it she smiled.. Reading the letter she saw something..Sylvester wrote 'So Megan..this is me and if you don't like it..well I hope that's not an option' that's all he had. She thought for a second. "We'll end it saying how much you love her and add a twist, tell her that she is important to you." Paige patted his shoulder as Walter and Cabe walked back in. "We have his files." Walter held them in the air. "Excuse me..but um, who's file?" Toby asked sitting on the table. " Collins. He escaped again and they want us to find him." Toby rolled his eyes "contiune." Walter put the papers on the board. "He escaped around noon on Saturday, Apparently he used this gun" Happy looked at it. "The device that almost killed us" "Exactly. Knowing Collins he will be the place he always goes." Walter was about to say it until he was cut off by Toby "The building at 5th street." Walter nodded. "Happy you drive" he tossed her the keys. "sweet."
"So..a genius with a very high IQ picks an ice cream shop to hide?" Paige asked confused. "Yep." Toby told her. "Collins was always for keeping things easy, so he wants us to come he-" Toby got cut off when Walter stopped in front of the door. "Wait. Only two of us should come in. I can talk to him." Walter waited for somebody to responed. "I'll go." Suprisingly Paige was the first to say something. "You may need a little EQ help. After what happened Ladt time, I can handle him." Walter didn't disagree, so the two slowly went inside the shop, Collins was standing right in the center. "Walter! Old came. Im so glad! Oh and little miss princess too" Collins luaghed. Walter noticed he still had cuffs on. "Collins I don't want any trouble, just come with us... And-" he got cut off when Collins grabbed Paige and pulled her to him. "Walter. Silly silly Walter. Do you think I'm going to believe you?" He luaghed again looking at Paige who was scared for her life. "I will let her go..if, i said if, you tell her how you feel." Great. Mark always has to pull this trick. Walter stood up straight, "Im not going to do that Mark. Just let her go and you can stay." Make shook his head. "Come on Walter! Just do it and we can all be friends." Little did Mark know Cabe was hearing the whole thing going down through and a earpiece.. " don't have too, let him take me." Paige wanted to sacrefice herself for Walter's cuase. "Alright you want to know? That night at the banquet I was the one who reset the cloning device! You know why? Becuase i liked it! I liked holding Paige, not actually I didn't like it, suprisingly I loved it. I may not know how love actually feels, but this women has changed me, why? Becuase I love her. So you want to be set free? Then you let her go. Or i Sware to God Mark, I will kill you." Collins pushed Paige over to Walter as good as he could with his cuffed his hands. Just then Cabe barged in with a whole SWAT team. "HANDS UP!!! Put your hands up Collins!!"
Paige Walked up to Walter who was sitting by his desk, everybody was asleep becuase it was almost midnight. "You're still here?" He turned around looking at her. "Yea, I had to file some papers..nothing much" Walter nodded. "I want to talk about what happened today." Paige looked to the floor, Walter stood up from his chair, "Me too...look Paige all I said to Collins today, that wasn't was the only way to get him to release you." Paige bit her lip. "Right. Um also about this morning, I was mad and um...even if I feel that way I know that it his likely impossible for a 197 IQ genius to fall in love with a person like me." As she said that she was suprised to feel his hand touches her cheeck "I have a sort of feeling inside that is like.." Before he could finish Paige moved in closer. That moment between them, to Paige was the best feeling in the world. To Walter, he didn't know what it was. Just as the clock struck Midnight Paige put her lips to his, he actually kissed her back. She wrapped her arms around his neck. After that beatiful moment ending. Paige looked at the clock "it's 12:02..." She luaghed. "Um. I Uh.." Paige hesitated "I love you" Walter spoke while putting his hands on her checks.

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