Chapter 7: Go Get her Buddy.

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connecтιon: a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else.
"Cabe he isn't responding!" Toby tried calling for him again. Cabe ran over to the front desk "I need Flight 514! Where is it?" The lady behind the desk hurried to find the plane. "Sir. The plane your looking for isn't being tracked. It never left." Cabe ran back to Happy and Toby "Dammit.." Cabe sighed. "The bomb must of interfiered with the planes signal. That's why the earpiece was breaking up..we dont have a way to communacate with him."
"Ralph!!!!? Drew?!" Paige screamed out. When the Plane exploded it landed on a beach a little island west of North Dakota so it was pretty cold. Drew had Ralph in his hands "Is he breathing!?" Paige asked him worridly "Yea, but barely, Drew set him down and started getting the water from his mouth. Once Ralp woke up Paige looked around. "Where's walter?!" She put her head in her hands and thought she just wanted to die. In the distance she found a man laying on the sand where a blue shirt and black tie. Walter.
"Cabe what are we going to do? We cant talk to them we dont know where they are, They could be in the middle of the ocean for all we know." Sly informed Cabe. The agent wasnt the best at situations like these, so he decided to stand and think. "Nothing."
"Ouch..." Walter scratched his head standing up, he wobbled a bit then regained his balance. He saw a women standing in front of him. "Who are you?" He asked clearing his throat while brushing sand off his tie. "Walter, its me. Its Paige!" He shook his head "I dont know anybody named Paige.." He looked at the women in front of him. "One question. This is an island west of the pacific coast. Right? Of course im right. But how did we end up here?" He heard the women sigh. "The plane was heading ro Portland, There apparently was bomb in the back. You tried to save my son and I, but you were too late and the plane left the blue sky." Walter scratched his temple. "Sylvester, Cabe, Toby and Happy Are back at the airport, you told me that." He looked around to see everybody who was on the plane. They were all scatterd. There was a little boy, looked to be about 10 years of age, running towards him. The child ran up to the women in front of Walter and hugged her tight. "Mom!" He shouted, "Ralph! Sweetie, where's Your dad?" Paige looked around as Ralph Shurgged. "I saw him but i dont know where he is now." Walter scratched his head. "Ralph....Drew...?" He heard the names before but had no clue where they were from. "Alright, Walter you need to get us off this island." Walter looked at the floor "Im sorry Ma'am but i dont know who you are, so i dont know how to help you." Paige sighed. "My name is Paige Dineen. You are Walter O'brien. This is my son. We met when i was a waitress, i joined Scorpion and it changed mine and my son's lives." She looked him in the eyes. "I don-" he got interupted when Paige said something "Christmas Eve. I gave you a sweater, you built a machiene for Ralph that he loved, you dont remember that?" Walter thought about thisfor a second. Suddenly he remembered something. 'You need to make a connection' "I-i Remember! Paige!" He smiled "Ralph!" He looked around, looking for the guy who planted the bomb. Walter ran up to him after he found the iraqi terrorist, He turned him over to find he wasnt breathing, "Walter!!" He heard a woman screaming "P-Paige!!?" He looked around "Paige!??" He saw Drew and Ralph standing near a rock, Walter raced over to them. "Where is she?" He asked Drew "i-i dont know.." He wanted to scream inside but he didnt. Walter looked in the ocean and found that there was a body floating in the water. Paige. "THERE!" Walter ran up to the shore and took his shoes off. He dived into the water, "Paige?" She was trying to balance herself but kept falling under. "W-Walter!" Walter swam up to her and grabbed her hand "Look at me,Look, Look here in my eyes." She watched his iris's bloom in color. "You need to trust me" Walter picked her up and swam with one arm to the shore. "How are we going to get off here?" Drew said as Ralph escaped his arms to grab his mother. "I dont know, i cant contact the Team."
"Cabe! We cant just sit here." Toby shouted. "Wait. He's right, Cabe do you have a helicopter ready?" Happy asked him. "Sure i can get one." Happy nodded "good,i know where they are."
"Mom, im scared.." Ralph hugged his mother "Shh...its ok Sweetie." Walter looked in the sky to see a helicopter hovering above them. "Walter!" Cabe souted as they got closer to the ground. "Cabe, Cabe!" He dropped a ladder and all four climbed aboard.
After explaining everything to the team and getting explained to, Walter found himself in his office reading papers. "Walter? Can i talk to you?" Paige came through his doorway, "um, yea sure." He stood up and she greated him, "you saw the letter huh..?" Paige looked to her feet. "The letter..yea, and Paige im sorry." He looked at her with guilt. What was he sorry for? How can he be sorry? He doesnt feel anything for this women despite thier one kiss that didnt mean anything. The things he said to Mark were lies so thathe didnt kill her. "Dont be. It was my fault. I put ralphs' life in danger not you." Paige noticed the letter was on his desk, she walked over to it. "This letter, was a mistake" Paige grabbed it and showed it to him. "Forget i ever wrote it." She ripped it up and threw it in the trash. Paige walkes up to walter and cupped his cheecks. "Nothing can change what has happened these last months, becuase you've grown Walter." She smiled and was about to walk away but he grabbed her wrist. "Paige, W-Wait" Why did he do that? "W-what?" She could feelher heart beating. "I, i um, i believe you are what keeps us together, without you we would Fall apart. We would miss you if you left. I, i um would miss you." She smiled and got closer to him. "But, that doesnt mean, that i want you to leave of course. It means i want you to stay forever." Paige smiled "Walter... Im glad your in my life too." She walked out the door and down the steps. "Right." He shut the door and plopped down in his bed. "5 times, 5 times i let her walk way!" He ran his hands threw his hair. To think about it. Cabe went home, Sly was with Megan, Drew was watching Ralph,and Happy and Toby were..nevermind. Anyways, Paige is down there, all by herself no where to go. Why did he care? Why should he care? "I cant do it anymore" Walter jumped out of the bed and raced down stairs, what awaited him was an empty garage with no Paige in it. "Too late buddy, too late."

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