Commie Bastard (SMUT)

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There he is.

America, otherwise known as Alfred. He was a loud mouthed, cocky brat who has this mentality that he's the best country.

It only made Russia, otherwise known as Ivan, eager to break him.

They had wars before..the Cold War, directly between the two. The treaty was signed, merely because it would be a giant nuclear bomb worldwide if they actually went to war. Yet, Russia can't help himself. Something about America drove him crazy.

He comes off as invincible, as if nobody can touch him. In truth, no other country could. Only Russia could, by force.

Ivan's eyes widen for a moment, watching as the American sneezed, then quickly covered it up, as if it was just nothing. No other country seemed to notice, except Russia, of course.

Those eyes narrow again, and his jaw rests on his hand. Hm. Interesting, he thought.

Finally, the meeting is over, and America smiles and waves goodbye, before rushing off to the bathroom.

He walks in, makes sure the door closes behind him, then slumps onto the counter, coughing his head off. The coughing was wet, almost, mucus like. His eyes started tearing up, from the itch in his throat.

A: "Ugh..what is this shit?"
He finally groans out, holding himself up weakly.
If England finds out he's sick, he'll never hear the end of it!

'You bloody idiot, you always have to do stupid things don't you?'

Ugh he could hear his voice now...
He hangs his head, but opens his eyes as he hears the door close behind him. He didn't even hear it open. Someone had slipped in, and he already knew who it was..the one he has a peace treaty with...

A: "You must love seeing me this way...Russia."

He slowly turns, staring up at the tall Russian. He was smiling softly. That fake ass smile!

R: "You are sick."

America sniffs, mucus sounds disappearing for a few minutes until his nose would run again.

A: "It's just a cold. I'm still well enough to protect myself."

R: "Is that so? I thought I heard you coughing your head off moments ago, asking what the sickness was."

Ugh! The bastard was listening in..

A: "Whatever- I've got things to do, so get out of the way."

He steps closer, but the Russian doesn't budge. In fact, his feet are firmly planted, and he's peering down at America, smirking like the devil he was.

Americas eyes widen, and he backs up slightly.

A: "H-hey..what're you doing?..We have a treaty.."

R: "I'm not here to destroy you."

A: "Then get outta my way!"
He says harshly, pushing against the taller mans chest. He doesn't even stumble, and that only pissed America off more. He's too weak right now.

A: "You commie bastard!"
He says harshly, and flails a fist at Russians face. Russia grabs his wrist and the punch misses completely.

America gasps, and that's when Russia flips him back onto the counter. America groans in pain as his cheek is smushed on the counter.

A: "That fuckin' hurt.."
He whines, and Russia puts more pressure on his arm bent behind his back.
A: "Ahh-hey! Get off me-"

R: "You know, England will be looking for you soon. I heard him say he was going to your house to check on you. If he comes back here, he could hear you. I do not care if he walks in though~"

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