Hungry Wolves

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// Hi! If you happen to find a typo please let me know TvT I am writing these with a splitting headache so any help is appreciated while you read! //

It's been almost a full week now, and he's cured. No more coughing, sneezing, wheezing, or anything! It's gone, like magic...and as much as America hates it, he owes it all to that strange medicine that Russia sent over.

That, however, has only gotten him more paranoid. The question is, why? Why was Russia dead-set on helping him get better? It's just not natural for him to actually care..No there's definitely another motive...It has to be!

America runs a hand through his hair, trying to ease his headache by watching some paranormal show on tv, which obviously wasn't working. Suddenly there's a knock at the door, not a ring like last time. America freezes, heart pounding in his ears. It's ok, calm could just be England. He thinks to himself, standing to his feet, and walking over to the door. He slowly opens it. Much to his disappointment, it is Russia after all.

He doesn't bother trying to shut the door on him, since he knows Russia can push past him anytime he wanted, and instead allows him to walk completely inside.

The larger males eyes sink, as if he's observing.

Russia: "You took the pills~"
It wasn't a question, but instead, more like a tease or a taunt.
America: "Y-yeah...and they worked..Thanks."

Russia's mischievous smile drops.

Russia: "I'm relieved."

America sulks a bit..why did this feel so casual?

America: "Why were you trying to get me better?"

Theres an eerie silence once the question spills out, and America can feel the goosebumps accumulating on his skin. It's fucking cold..

Russia: "Because I like you."
Russia finally says lowly, and America can sense right away that that's not entirely true."

America: "If you liked me so much you wouldn't of forced me to drink the whiskey in the first wanted me to get better, fast. Why?"

Russia: "You are silly, America, you really could not see it?"

America bows up a bit.
America: "Yeah, I know! I know okay! Other countries would attack me or try to take my land if I'm weak! I got that!"

Russia starts chuckling, and America feels the chill radiating up his spine.

Russia: " cannot see it, because you do not see yourself for what you are."

America: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Russia: "You are not an intimidating country. Your strength, yes, but when it comes to doing whatever it takes to be on top, you don't have it. You roll over at the slightest pain, the slightest defeat..Some of the other countries would dominate you. Not destroy you."

America's eyes widen, not believing what he's hearing.

America: "What?.."

Russia: "I have seen it. The way they glance at you. Others crave you, to be by their side, or merely just to taste your power. You're quite popular America~"

America backs away slowly, and Russia slowly follows.

Russia: "You are a little lamb, in a world of hungry wolves, and it's only a matter of time before you become a meal. The question is, do you want them to eat you alive, one by one, or-"

America's back hits the wall, and Russia stops just inches away, whispering in his husky Russian accent.

Russia: "Do you want to be protected by the pack leader?"

America stares up, his knees feeling weak from fear. He's well now..he can why is he freezing up like this?

Russia: "You do not have to believe me America. Pay attention, and you will see it for yourself."

With that, Russia backs away, and leaves the building. America can feel his heart racing, his knees trembling, and the undeniable urge to run away. What is happening to his body, and more importantly, was Russia telling the truth?

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