A Gift

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The alcohol has been working pretty well. Though it's obvious this is not a normal cold. The whiskey is not curing him..it's only relieving some of his symptoms.

It's so much worse at night. He often wakes up in a coughing fit that leaves him on the verge of throwing up. Then there's the chills..usually indicating he has fever. Respiratory infection maybe, or something worse...

America rubs his head, leaning back in his chair. He's had plenty of time to play this new game, and in it, the main character runs from this powerful villain. Thing is, they made the villain so damn attractive! What is up with these companies creating attractive bad guys?!

He sighs, watching as the credits scroll by ever so slowly.

America: "It was a good game anyways.."
He mumbles to himself.
Suddenly, the doorbell rings, and America almost shoots out of the chair. His first thought is, what if it's Russia? Then, what if it's England? He honestly didn't want to see anybody right now, not even those he actually likes.

Despite this, he gets up and slowly opens the door. Much to his relief, nobody is there. It's just a small box. He gives a "hm" sound before picking it up and bringing it into the house.
He carefully opens it, and unravels some papers, revealing a bottle of pills. There's no name on them, or anything indicating what these pills even are.

Could be an attempt to poison him..I mean, is he really that desperate to take some random pills left on his doorstep?

He stares for a moment, then sees a small piece of envelope in the bottom of the box. It says "Two a day. ~R"

R...that's gotta be Russia..

He stares a bit longer, then picks up the bottle, and takes out a pill. They're pretty big..
He knows he shouldn't..he shouldn't trust Russia, and shouldn't trust these pills but..Russia was right about the whiskey. Maybe he really did want him to get better. Though, it might not be for a reason that benefits America..

Still..he needed to get better without seeing a doctor. He couldn't exactly be picky at the moment.

He gets some water, and pops the pill into his mouth. He nearly chokes on it as it slides past his sore throat, but he gets it down. Now, he waits, to see if he's going to die or get better.

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