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America sits at the oval table, trying to listen to the other countries as they banter back and forth. It's hard though...right now, the only thing on his mind is what Russia said. Has he really been in danger this whole time? Has it really been like this all along? He'd always assumed everyone either wanted to destroy him or be his ally.
He's never even considered the fact that other countries could be perverts like Russia! Suddenly everything feels wild and primal. As if they were all just animals, watching each other closely, and some are prey...America is prey. Prey, surrounded by predators, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

It can't be...

Germany calls for a break, and everyone starts wondering around. America stands as England walks over, smiling softly.

England: "You're...better?"

America: "Y-yeah..I'm fine now."

England: "Good. I worried you'd cause me to have to spend too many resources to get you to a doctor by force."

America: "Haha..very I'm better now."

America glances past England, and notices Prussia staring at him. Then the other country averts his eyes, as if he definitely wasn't staring at all just then.

America: "What the.."
He whispers, and glances in another direction. Another country looking at him, and then another to the left...Did they know something?! Are they really staring for vulgar reasons as Russia said?!

England chuckles a bit, confused.
England: " okay old chap?"

America looks wide eyed, and worried.
America: "I..I gotta go..I'll see you later. Tell Germany to continue without me."

England: "Hey? America?"

America rushes past, and he can't tell if it's all in his head or not, but he swears so many eyes are on him. They're watching him. They're tracking him.
He can hear his heart thumping in his ears, it's pounding so hard, and he feels like he should start running for his life. Wouldn't that just draw even more attention though? If he runs...what if it insights a chase?

He finally reaches the hallway, and feels a bit calmer once he's out of sight. Good, now just a bit further...outside. He has to get outside.

He finally exits the large building, and slides along the large brick walls, hoping to hide around the side of the building. He'll head towards the train station, and grab a train. Yeah, that'll get him out of here quickly.

He stops, dead in his tracks all of a sudden.

It's cold.

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