Chapter 3

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mmmm yes, watching Tankman while i write this is great


Keith's POV

I woke up, feeling like I'm being crushed. I saw that my face was shoved STRAIGHT into Cherry's tits. I panicked, blushing like crazy. I felt something pressed against my back..i turned my head, seeing Pico. I didn't think they'd crush me. But felt kinda nice. I felt safe for once..

I slowly got up, and grabbed my phone..we only had an hour to get ready. Tomorrow we finally get out of his hellhole. Today was something everyone wanted. Got to choose who accompanies you in class, as some people have friends that are emotional support..weird college, huh?

I shook the two awake, earning groans from them. "Cmon, wake up, it's the day before.." i trailed off. They immediately shot awake, and got out of bed, running around. They seemed panicked. "Cmon. Get some clothes from your dorms, I'm not gonna die." I spoke. They realized something, and went out. I took this time to quickly get ready.


I walked into Miss Treaders class, Cherry and Pico behind me. They've never had her, which they're lucky. I led them up, and we all sat down. "Get ready to hear her yelling." I spoke, getting prepared, as i pulled out my sketch book, and a pencil. They nodded. Pico was surprisingly reading something on his phone. I never thought of him as the type to read, unlike Cherry. She likes to read a bunch whenever she isn't hanging out with anyone, or playing games. She's recently, and finally, picked back up on the second JP book her father got her, her mother giving her the first.

(I forgot to finish reading the second JP book fuck)

I drew a little, listening as Ms. Treader yapped on and on. I saw as she was walking over, so i put my sketchbook back in my bag, and silently wrote some stuff down on a piece of notebook paper. She watched what we were doing, closely as possible. I started getting tired again, despite it only being twenty minutes. I suddenly felt something smack my face, my cheek stinging. "Stop snoozing off." Miss Treader growled. I felt my cheek, and nodded, continuing to write on the paper. Memories flooded my mind. I suddenly felt like breaking down.

I waited for her to finally walk away, and once she did, i pulled out my phone, checking the time. God, i want out of this room. I threw my bag over my shoulders before grabbing Pico and Cherry's hands, getting up, causing them to do the same in confusion, them grabbing their bags, before I then dragged them out with me. They let us do this, as it's the last day before we get out. I heard as Ms. Treader screamed at me for walking out. She never liked that they let us do this. Plus, she's just a whore in general. And a bitch, no wonder she isn't married yet. I looked back at her, shoving Cherry and Pico out. "Learn to get your saggy ass tits together, ya fucking whore." I spoke, walking out, shutting the door behind me, and i heard as students started screaming. I dragged them along. it was time for our next class anyway, as i heard doors opening around. I walked to the next class. We got in, going to our seats, sitting down. I sighed, putting my head down.

I heard the door finally shut after minutes later, everyone talking. I looked up. Thank god, she was here. "Alright, just do whatever, as long as it isn't too bad. But, if there is a fight, you better let me in it." Fura announced to the room. She was actually the best teacher in this entire place. Kind, let us do whatever when we finished, and ACTUALLY knew how to get her point across when talking about whatever the fuck we were learning about. Pico actually knew her a bit, Picos dad, Tankman, (yes i have the weird 'holy shit i bet u tankman is picos dad' thing because they're both technically mascots, even though, from what I remember, pico represents the 'player', you on newgrounds or sumthin. It's just cool to think Tankman is Picos dad, drinking from a milf mug in the distance)
You know Tankman, right? He's the leader of this army and Fura actually fought with them, and stuff. Heard they won, and she left, though she occasionally goes back.

Everyone started talking, and i simply put my head back down, trying to relax for a minute. I remember they have this 'professor of the month' thing. Fura weirdly always wins, i guess because everyone doesn't bother to vote. I guess she's just super fucking good at her job, i even heard they gave her some big raise. Whenever she wins she gets surprised with Steve coming over, and she hands him some of the money she won, even though he denies it she says, 'no, take it, buy tankman something nice, gayboy.' or something like that. It's funny, but we all party out somewhere. She legit rapped with me on stage, but she was way too fast for me to keep up. I almost beat her though. Pico went against her too, and nearly won by a point. Cherry keeps track of scores like she used to in the competition. She's actually really cool. Plus, she always helps me with stuff she doesn't even teach when i need it. She's too great for her own good.

My mind flashed back to when Ms. Treader slapped me. Memories flooded back again. Home. I didn't want to go back there. suddenly, i started to quietly cry. I heard two taps on the table, and some footsteps among all the talking. "Yeah, i..don't think he's alright..and I'm not sure how to talk to him, and she's all worn out." I heard Pico speak. I then felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up, tears streaming down my face. "Cmon kid. Let's step aside and talk for a minute, alright?" Fura spoke, holding her hand out. I took her hand and got up. She's only eighteen, and she's six feet tall, me standing at 5"4. Jesus. We walked out, and she shut the door behind her, and we took a stroll. "So, what's up with ya, lil soldier?" She asked. She always called me that, as i start breaking down on tests, and i managed to pull through all of them. Plus, i may or may not have gotten in some fights..

"Ms. Treader being bitchy as always. She smacked me, and memories started flooding into my mind, and i started breaking down, and it came back up.." i was trying to hold in more tears. Fura knew i was abused. "she. did. WHAT?" Fura yelled, stopping in her tracks. She absolutely hated Ms. Treader. Occasionally, one would pull the other out, and fight outside, yelling at each other. "No one hurts a lil soldier of mine. Come on." Fura spoke, and we ran over to Ms. Treader room. Fura immediately slammed open her door. "DID YOU HURT ONE OF MY STUDENTS?" Fura yelled.


HAHA! cliffhanger kinda. Fun fact, Furas been in development for weeks and i finally decided to say she's finished up. I have some drawings of her i made, though this Fura isnt the core Fura, as the Fura i made isn't single like the one here. In this book, she's just not too great with relationships, due to that happening, she would start to develop a kind of development anxiety, and stuff. Plus, shes not sure how to show affection. Instead of Lila taking her in, in this book, it was the tankman army. So she was there before tankman was..the captain i guess. I might fix her up, actually.

I'll try to not use her a bunch like i did Echo in the other book. I'll keep it to occasional meetups, help with work, like, 'yo a coworker beat me up today', and stuff.

tiring - pico x gf x keith (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now