Chapter 1

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I awake with a start as the piercing sound of my alarm clock rang through my ears. I tried to turn it off but to no avail, I ended up throwing it across the room into the wall. As it shattered to pieces, I inwardly curse, while yelling to my mom, "Mom I need a new alarm clock!" My mom stormed in pissed, "Jade Alexis Valentine! This is the fifth one this week!" She slammed my door shut, as I began to get ready, already used to the lectures. I put on my decent short shorts, a black tank, and my favorite combat boots. After messing with my hair and getting it to look decent, I kissed my mom goodbye and apologized for the alarm clock. I hopped in my car and drove to school or my personal hell, as I like to call it. I get out and of  course I'm stuck seeing Luke White surrounded by the usual group of girls. I place my head down, avoiding eye contact, as I roll my eyes. The same question rolls through my mind, 'what does everyone see in him?'  I finally get to my locker and end up in a tackle hug. I smile immediately squeezing her back. Kaylee my hyperactive best friend beams at me while yelling, "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I cover my ears and sigh, 'why is everyone so loud today.'  "Hey sweetie I missed you more", I tell her. We laugh and I go back to getting my stuff out my locker. First period was a drag, one boring lecture after the other. Second, third, and fourth went the same, I'm glad its finally lunch time. I was sitting at the table waiting for everyone to show up when the doors suddenly flew right open. In strolls this dark haired, pale clear skin, and piercing forest green eyes, boy. I never seen anyone so attractive in my life, I'm pretty sure I heard the intake of breath from every female, even my own? He had this bad boy aura that was like a magnet pulling me towards him. His voice was rich and smooth as he spoke to the principal about his tardiness. As if sensing my gaze he turned and locked eyes with me. I straightened my shoulders, as my whole body tensed. He started walking towards me completely dissing the principal on his way. I held my breath and tried to calm my raging heart. Everyone watched with equal shock and confusion. I can understand since I'm usually only with a certain number of people and only meet new people through partner set ups. I looked him in the eyes as I realized how I must have looked, gawking at his figure my cheeks turned a bright red. I continued to stare questioningly. That's when he spoke the words that sealed my fate, "Hi I'm Rhydian Grey and you are?"

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