Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


This night has turned into a fricking nightmare. Everyone is pissed off or upset. Mom is leaning on Emma crying because Dad was taken out of here in handcuffs, pissed because Uncle Blake fired him for being a dick. I can't say that what Blake did was wrong. Dad never should have touched Hunter or threatened Riley.

I'll have my own conversation with Dad privately over that one.

He's just lucky that Hunter was there and heard what he was trying to do. Not just because Grandma would kick his ass for cutting ties with Drake Construction but because of what he was saying to Riley. Dad is only thinking of money and what he can get out of a relationship between me and a girl, not just any girl but Leighton Greer. He doesn't even care about what I want.

I guess grandfather got his claws into Dad good before he died. Grandfather was ruthless and dangerous in business. He manipulated everyone with a vengeance now Dad is following his footsteps. I never thought Dad would turn on Uncle Blake and Grandma, or even on Mom and me. I don't know what exactly happened to him to be like this but I think it goes a lot further back than just recently.

Further back then just me dating Riley

Dad's been pushing me to understand the business since last year. I'm a football player, a quarterback. And I'm good, damn good. I know the career of a football player isn't that long. I know I have to have plans for after, something to fall back on in case I'm injured. I do but I've also got plans as a quarterback. I want to be the best, just like Uncle Blake.

And that means I've got some big shoes to fill

But I've got my family behind me. I've got my idol behind me and I've got the girl by my side. That is if she still wants me. I saw the way she hesitated coming down the hall to me and I saw the way she shrunk back when my Dad was going off in the hall at Hunter. If he screwed up my chances with this girl, I'll never forgive him.

Even now, after my Dad was arrested for his shit Riley's pulled back. I don't blame her for feeling out of place. Dad didn't make her feel wanted here. He screwed with her, accusing her of dating me for my money! Seriously?! She wouldn't even let me buy her a box of candy at the movies! The last thing I believe is that she's after my money.

Then to steal her foundation money. That was low even for him.

I knew she was struggling so did Grandma, that's what the foundation was created for. Blake wanted to help kids who needed it to get through college. Riley got foundation funding because she met the criteria not because she was scamming us for money.

Now Riley is uncomfortable and restless. She hasn't said a word, she hasn't even looked at me since Dad left. I don't blame her. Dad made her feel like we think she's playing a game with me. Of course she wants to leave. If I were in her shoes I would too.

I can't believe he did this to all of us

On top of Dad's shenanigans, Grandma is still getting tests done. We haven't even gotten word from the doctor about what's wrong with her. He just pushed Blake and the rest of the family to our limits while his mother's condition is still unknown. Who does that? What kind of asshole just leaves that way.

Sitting forward with my head in my hands, I stress over what this will do to Grandma. She's the heart and soul of this family. I don't know what we would do without her. I don't want to know. I want my kids to grow up in her house. I want them to sit at her kitchen island and eat cookies and tell her about their day just like we did.

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