Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
Family Matters


"Hey! Where'd you go? Aiden said he walked you home." Colby plops down on the couch next to me and tugs her shoes off, wiggling her toes and rubbing her arches.

Looking up from my pint of white chocolate raspberry ice cream I shovel the spoon in my mouth to try to avoid having to answer her. Colby just lifts her eyebrows at me and waits.

"I really don't think I belong there. I'm just not a party person, I guess." Telling the girls that I can't stand to watch Aiden and Hunter together, that it hurts me, it just isn't an option. I just need to keep my distance.

"Well, Hunter feels like shit for pushing you. She said she should have known better after the last party. Aiden wouldn't even talk to us, he was so pissed off. I'm betting that sorry slut from the Pom squad hit on him again. I swear that chick doesn't catch a clue!" Emery sits down in the chair, her hands wrapped around her coffee mug filled with hot chocolate.

For the next hour they filled me in on the party. The guys they liked that were there and who I should stay away from. We drank hot chocolate, finished my ice cream and they took my mind off the mess I made of the night.

Just for a little while, I felt like I fit in

Now, sitting on my bed and reading my environmental science assignment, I hear the girls come back from the latest party and hope they understand that I can't keep doing this. They asked me to join them again, again I refused. I really do like living here but constantly hearing about Aiden is just too much for my little heart.

This week has been so difficult. I've kept to myself leaving early before any of them get up, getting back long after they've turned in. Spending the time in between looking for a job here and studying at the library. Anything to just not be here.

The morning after the Halloween party, I learned that Hunter spent the night with Aiden. It shouldn't have surprised me, I shouldn't have let it hurt me. They're together, a couple and maybe what I said made an impact on him. Maybe he chose to do the right thing by her and try to make it work. Whatever the reason I'm out of the picture now.

Soon I'll be completely out of their lives

I got the call today. I got a job just off campus at a local diner. I start next week and I won't be able to get home for the holiday break so I'm going this weekend to see my dad. It's important I have this time with him. He's all I have for family and I really hate not being there for him for Christmas but I don't have a choice.

The job is just a serving position. It's not much, and nothing to brag about but it's an income for me to move out of the apartment and on my own. It hurts too much to continue to stay here. I stay in my room if I hear anyone here, I avoid all of them on campus just because I don't know what to say now. I don't want to hurt anyone.

Colby and Emery have each cornered me about that night asking what was said or done. It was enough for me to retract into myself this way, asking me to talk to them about something I'm terribly upset about. I can only say I'm not a social person, I don't want to go to the football game and I've got studying to do to keep them off the subject. Or I just tell them that I made a mistake thinking I could handle a party, nothing more when they push about what happened. Hunter on the other hand has spent most of the last week with Aiden than at the apartment. According to the girls, she's trying to help him through something. They don't really know.

I guess they made up.

Finishing my last class, I've got just enough time to get to the apartment pack and let dad know I'm on my way home. It's a long six hour drive but I'm excited to see him, to spend the next week relaxing at home, cooking at the restaurant and just being there. Racing through campus I'm not listening when my name is called. I don't hear the footsteps join mine or see the tall shadows merge behind me into a solid shade as I leave campus and walk down the walkway for the apartment.

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