Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


I messed up, big time. Dad is furious that I didn't stay with Riley at the dorm. He wants to keep us far away from the stress and drama of what's happening with Adam. There's really no way of doing that. Aiden is as close to me as my twin brothers. We grew up together many times in the same house. There's no way to keep me out of this.

It doesn't matter though. It's in dad's nature to protect us. Sometimes even from the family. I don't think I've ever seen him this mad. I know dad has a temper, everyone has seen it or heard about it at one point or another. But when dad's worried on top of being pissed off, it's beyond measure.

We didn't do as he wanted and now he feels we've put ourselves and Riley in danger. I don't think any of us believe that Adam could be violent but then none of us thought he would steal, lie and cheat, the company or the family, out of millions of dollars. I'm not sure we know the full extent of his actions. I don't believe we ever will.

Dad is livid with me, with Adam and the situation. He got a call from Jim, who had contacted the CFO to run a financial audit. We need to know the full extent of the damage Adam has caused. Jim was informed immediately that it was already done at Georgia's request a month ago. Then proceeded to give him the bad news and told him that he hadn't gotten the chance to give Georgia the information.

Millions are missing, the audit states Adam received reimbursements for travel he never made, equipment he never purchased, property he never bought. No one bothered to questioned him because he was in charge. So he got away with killing the company and said nothing to the family. The board of directors have removed him from his position as instructed but the damage has been done.

The Segler's, Matt, Jake and Tyler have all insisted they want to help. By investing in the company, they can supply the necessary funds to get it in the black again and get stock in the company. By selling off a few pieces of the pie, we can make sure no one can do this again. Dad, Cade, Lance and Derrick have taken some of their own personal funds to invest back in as well. The company will survive, the family will move forward but at what cost?

Dad is carrying a heavy load on his shoulders between Grandma's power of attorney, the company and dealing with Adam's screw ups. I didn't help matters by leaving Riley alone. At the time I believed Adam was in custody. I wouldn't have put her in a compromised position on purpose. I own my mistakes and this was a big one.

I left Riley alone before I was instructed to stay put. Dad ripped my ass inside out for being stupid. Not that he called me stupid, he wouldn't do that, but I understood his point loud and clear. It was an idiotic mistake and if anything happens to Riley, I'll blame myself.

Wyatt has stayed here with me. He even promised dad that I wouldn't leave his sight. It's a good thing dad likes Wyatt and trusts him or Wyatt would be banned from my life. That would make things harder on me since I would really like this fake relationship we have going for Grandma's sake to be real.

Dad, Matt and Cade have been on the hunt for Adam. No one has seen him, no one can find him. And for the last half hour we've been trying to reach Riley but she's not answering. I've got that steady twisting in my stomach telling me something isn't right.

Dad is now huddled up with the other adults forming a plan. Even the Segler's are helping us out. We know Adam needs to be found before he leaves the country. He would run too, the big coward. We know he has the means and the ability to walk away from us without a fleeting conscience thought.

"Why didn't you stay with her?" Wyatt quietly questions me. My eyes stay on the men in the corner of the waiting room. "Hunter, Adam isn't thinking straight, he's not putting the family, the company first. Why would you do this?"

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