Chapter 2 Fight for Love Part 2

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But before they leave Harold kill all the monsters in the palace of Elizabeth and they leave the palace clean and Elizabeth say to Harold that i love you for the help that he made for her but it still for help only so after of this they came to the house of Harold and they eat Many foods barbecue,chicken and spaghetti. When they are eating Franco run hurriedly so fast and He see the palace of Elizabeth so he open the door and he did not see her. So he hurriedly run fast until he reach the kingdom of harold and he have seen Harold and Elizabeth eating together and Franco became angry of Harold and He punch it. And he ran Elizabeth in his house while Harold is tired while running and Elizabeth told of him to stop her but Franco said i help you to your father to rescue you but your child is kill but please apologize me and im sorry and Elizabeth crying and please Franco to leave her alone. Franco please her again and again to back to him and Elizabeth shouted so loud and Franco stayin one side

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