Chapter 5

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~Ali's POV~

Alex and I left Carter's sometime in the afternoon, and I headed straight for the bar. Yeah, I realize drinking isnt going to solve any of my problems but at least I won't have to deal with them for a little while.  I'm not 21 yet, so I can't legally drink but luckily the bar tender is a total perv so as long as you're wearing a lowcut shirt he doesn't give a shit how old you are or how much you drink. 

"Oh hey, what can I get you today?" He asked, already staring down my shirt.

"Literally anything that has lots of alcohol in it." 

~Carter's POV~

About an hour after they left I decided to go to the bar down the street from my house. I asked Rob if he wanted to go but he said he didn't feel like nearly getting hit by someone's boyfriend again. I would have asked Zach but he still wasn't home yet. So I grabbed my phone and left. 

It was hard to even get into the bar because of the huge crowd of people. But when I finally did get in, I wished I hadn't. Ali was sitting on one of the bar stools with some guy sitting next to her, his hand was on her knee but it kept slowly moving up. I stood there in shock, just watching them. Right as I was about to leave, Ali pushed his hand away and shook her head. The guy didn't seem to care though because he put his hand back on her leg. I'm not sure weather thats what made me mad, or if it was just the fact that I was jealous. Either way, I ran up to him yelling at him to stop.

"She said no."

"Bro, come on! She's hot, I'm just trying to have a little fun."

"She is hot, but she said no so you need to fucking leave."  At this point, the guy pushed me.

"Who's going to make me?" Luckily, I was taller and stronger than him so with two hits, he was on the ground.

"Lets go." I said to Ali. 


She waited until we were back at my house to yell at me.

"What the hell Carter!? I was having fun."

"Oh so its fun for you to have some disgusting stranger's hands all over you, even after you push him away?"

"No. But I could have handled it. I'm not some little kid that you need to protect all the time!"

"Really? And what do you think would have happened if I wasn't there? Who would have stopped him from doing more than just putting his hand on your leg."

"I could have."

"Oh, you could have? Ali, you've been drinking and you were a lot smaller than him. How would you have stopped him?"

"Why do you care so much anyway!?" I paused, not knowing how to respond to that. "Exactly. You just don't want me to be with someone else, you just want me around for the next time you feel like hooking up with someone. I'm not just going to sit around waiting for you to make up your mind."

"I already have made up my mind. I want you, you're literally the only thing that makes me happy. Ali, you're my everything and seeing you with that guy made me realize that if I don't decide soon, I might lose you forever..So please, will you move back in?"

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