Chapter 3

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~Carter's POV~

All I've done this week is lay in bed. It feels so weird because the old me wouldn't even care that Alex was making out with a girl I'd been with. But this time it's the complete opposite. I don't think I've cared about anything in my entire life as much as I care about this, about her. It's also hard because when all you're doing is laying in bed, you have a lot of time to just think about things. So pretty much all I've done is over think everything. 

Around 10 there was a knock on my door, I told whoever it was that the door was open and a few seconds later it opened. "Carter," Zach said "We're going to a club, you wanna come? Maybe it would get your mind off things." I told him no and then he left. Shortly after I heard the front door close I got up and walked down the stairs, turning to the kitchen and grabbing the box of leftover pizza from last night that only had about three slices left in it, and then I headed back toward the stairs. But when I got to them there was a knock at the door.  I sighed, looking around and realizing that Rob's phone was still laying on the couch so he was probably just coming back for that but got locked out. I set down the pizza box and grabbed his phone, walking over to the door.

"Man you gotta stop leaving- oh." Instead of Robert standing in front of me, it was Ali. "I don't want to talk to you right now." I started to close the door but she stepped closer to me. Our faces only inches apart, so close that I could feel her breathing on me. 

"I know you don't, and I completely understand why you don't. But we need to talk. I messed up, I know. But I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." 

~Ali's POV~

As soon as I stopped talking his lips crashed into mine, he picked me up and I heard the door slam shut behind us. He pushed me against the door and started sucking on my neck.  I pulled his shirt up over his head and threw it onto the floor. He turned me around, kissing me again, and started walking toward the stairs. By the time we got to his bedroom door most of our clothes were already off. He threw me on the bed and climbed over me, leaving a trail of kisses from my mouth to my stomach.. 


I woke up around 11 the next morning, and rolled over to see that Carter was still sleeping. I moved my arm up so I could run my hand through his hair, and smiled a bit when he started to wake up. God, he's perfect.

It took a few seconds for him to fully wake up and open his eyes. Unfortunately, when he finally did, the reaction he had wasn't as great as I had hoped. "Shit." He mumbled, sitting up. "This wasn't supposed to happen." he paused for a minute, looking around. "You should go.."

"You're kidding right??" I knew by his tone he wasn't kidding, I was just in shock.

"No I'm not. You seriously need to go." 

"Really? You're kicking me out again? Even after we-" I stopped talking and just looked down at the bed. I felt like I was going to start crying, and there was no way I could cry in front of him right now.

"Why not? Its what I planned to do in the first place." He got up and walked to his bathroom, I heard the shower turn on shortly after. A tear fell down my face and all I could think about was what he had just said. Because after all, that is what he had planned to do in the first place. When we first met, all he wanted me for was sex and after that he was going to let me leave. 

Flashbacks of all those months ago poured through my mind. Why did I let things get this complicated? I was terrified of him at first, and I wanted nothing to do with him. Why couldn't I have just left it that way?

~Carter's POV~

I got up and walked to the bathroom, turning on the shower. But I didn't plan on taking a shower. I just knew that if she heard the shower turn on she wouldn't try to come talk to me, or at least that's what I hoped. After a few minutes I heard my bedroom door close, so I turned off the shower and climbed back in bed. I wish she was here, I wish she could just cuddle up next to me and we could lay here until we fall asleep again, but that can't happen. I can't let someone get so close again, I can't risk loosing something I care so much about again. So instead of waiting for her to hurt me again, I had to be the one to make her leave. I knew that saying what I said would make her want to go. I also knew that it would hurt her, which killed me, because the last thing I want is to ever hurt her. 


Wow, I'm sorry if this chapter was terrible. I'm really bad at writing anything even slightly sexual. And I'm not sure how long it will be but to me it seems kind of short? But hey I updated twice within like 24 hours so that's good right? I probably wont update for a few days after this though because I have to go back to school and get caught up on lessons and stuff so I'll be busy. Anyway, please comment and let me know what you think about this book so far! I personally don't really like the beginning of the first book but I think the beginning of this one is going good, what's your opinion?

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