Chapter 7. The Third Class Trial

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Everyone went to the class trial and saw that there were two more empty spots. One was replaced with a picture frame of Marcie while the other was replaced with a picture frame of Julian. Both with a red X on them.

Logan: 'dammit, I had only just gotten to know him too. He was the first person I talked to on the plane and he accepted me even tho I snuck in...'

Crystal: "will Victor not join us?"

Monokuma: "nope! He is too injured to even stand right now. If it makes you feel any better tho, he did wake up"

Logan: "he did?!"

Monokuma: "yep. You can see him after the class trial...those who survive anyway, puhuhu!"

Jasmine: "who the hell did it...who killed him!"

Yuki: "losing your composure already? I thought you were more professional then that"

Jasmine: "shut up! You shut the f*ck up! You're damn lucky that Julian isn't here to beat your ass!"

Crater: "calm down. We won't find the killer like this"

Asamoni: "besides, if he were here, I'm sure he'd say something like: letting your emotions get the better of you is...UNMANLY!!...he did it way better, heh..."

Logan: "lets go over the evidence"

Luna: "right. I found him in the arcade and screamed as I saw his beat up and bloody body"

Crystal: "he had a knife in his chest too, and he was smiling for some reason"

Jasmine: "smiling? I-I'm glad he died happy..."

Logan: "yeah..."

Yuki: "then it was obviously a f*cking a suicide right? He stabbed himself and-"

Crystal: "dumbass, he was beat up too. He may have stabbed himself, but there's no way he beat himself up"

Yuki: "why is that impossible?"

Logan: "there were bruises on his back too. He got into a fight with someone"

Emily: "at least he got one last good fight before he died"

Logan: " lets go over the possible suspects"

Crystal: "Logan and I were to get the whole time watching over Victor"

Yuki: "and here I thought maybe Victor faked his injuries and killed Julian"

Crystal: "hey Yuki, can you do me a favor?"

Yuki: "depends on the favor...what is it?"

Crystal: "shut the f*ck up you useless piece of shit!"

Yuki: "...tsk, whatever"

Logan: "Luna, I'm sure you understand why you may be the most suspicious one right?"

Luna: "he was already dead when I got there...and I think I can prove it too"

Emily: "please do"

Luna: "Julian had to have gotten in a fight right?"

Logan: "yeah, why?"

Luna: "remember what Julian said before? About men hitting women being unmanly"

Crystal: "he wouldn't have fought back if it was a girl who tried to kill him"

Jasmine: "which means that the killer is a man"

Logan: "I have an alibi, which means that the only suspects left are Crater, Asamoni, and Yuki!"

Emily: "I don't suppose one of you will confess, right?"

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