Beyond Her Brightest Dreams

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Chapter 24-6 weeks later

Kim did not want to go to court, but her attorney said it was the best way to try and stop this terrible situation.

"Come on Mom, you can beat this horrific man!"

"Well, I don't know about that, Abby, but thanks for trying!"

"What is wrong with you? You can do this! You can beat my wretched father!"

"I think maybe I can as the jury was aware that he cheated on me, not I on him."

"Do you want to be divorced?"

"NO! OF COURSE NOT!" Kim exclaimed. Kim had already gone back to her maiden name and she had taken her wedding band off and put it back in the box and put her engagement ring on her right hand. She was going into a state of depression and Abby had tried to help her as much as she could.

"Wah! Wah!" Two month old baby Anna cried as she waited for her mother to come over and feed her.

"Do you want me to get her, Mom?" asked Abby.

"Sure, I need to call the school and tell them I will be back next week. Will you put some formula in a bottle and put the bottle in the microwave and feed her, please?"

"Sure. I didn't know that you were going back to work so soon."

"Yes I found a day care program that specializes in working with small or...young babies!"

"Where did you find a place like that?"

"The Internet!"

"Oh, that's nice. Who runs it?"

"I don't know her!"

"Is that a good or bad thing?"

"I think it it good thing to introduce your child to new people!"

"Are you sure about this, Mom?"

"Yes, I did a lot of research and the place is only a block away from this apartment!"

"You seem happy! Why?"

"Because I get to keep my child and I have you as my daughter. I am at peace with this divorce!"

"But, you weren't even married for that long, not even a year!"

"I know, but that is just the way it is and you are going to have to deal with it!"

"Is there any possibility that you and my father would ever get back together?" 

" I don't think so, Abby! I'm sorry!"

"But,'s not your fault, Mom!"

"I know, come here!"

Kim and Abby came into an embrace that was like no other! Kim thought, at least I still have a family!

She thought her somewhat new family would be forever changed by the circumstances at hand, but then she realized that everything would be okay.

Beyond her Brightest DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now