- 18 - N o r a - Explanation Day

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- N o r a -

"We'll have to explain everything to Luke, Michael and Calum."

"That'll be an awkward situation."

"No kidding." I shook my head.

It's been three days since we talked. We've been getting along fantastically, and none of the boys have bothered us. Yet. In fact, neither of us have seen any of the other three since that day. I decided we should explain everything to them before they get suspicious and start questioning us.

"I did tell them about you. You know, when Michael brought you to the tide pool, and you told me to come find you when my head was screwed on properly again? When you left I told them about you."

"I know. I heard you telling them.How much did you say?"

"I don't know if Calum and Luke understood that you were the friend that moved away that I told them about earlier in the year. Just before you move back actually."

"Oh? What brought it up?"

"I, uh, I don't remember."

"That sucks." I said lightly. He said that way too quickly to be telling the truth, but I'm not going to push the subject. Not yet, anyway. We fell back into a comfortable silence.

"Well, there's no time the present. Should we go find them now and tell them, or tomorrow?"

I checked the time before answering. "Tomorrow. I have to be home in time for dinner in like five minutes. My dad wants to talk. Meet here at ten and go find them?"

"I'll text them and they'll meet us here or something. Be prepared for an eleven o'clock get together. Michael likes to sleep late."

"I wouldn't mind sleeping late." I grumbled. "But somehow, I always manage to wake up just as the sun is rising. Maybe I should get heavier curtains or something."

"Don't you have blinds on you window?" I got off the swing set and Ashton followed my lead.

"I did. They broke. Now I have some light curtains. I'm either going to get new blinds or some heavier curtains. Or maybe both. Text me when and where by ten tomorrow. Or figure it out before bedtime and tell me before we go to sleep. Bye." I hugged him and ran home.

"I'm home! Am I late?" I called as I opened the door.

"No darling, just on time. Wash your hands at have a seat at the table, dinner will be ready in a minute or two." I heard my day reply from the kitchen.

"Got it!" I washed my hands in the bathroom off the front foyer, then quietly walked to the dinner table and took a seat. A moment after I sat down, my dad put my plate of grilled chicken, white rice and asparagus.

My favorite.

This wasn't unusual to me, me had this at least once or twice a week, but dad's face was worried. He was obviously trying to get on my good side now. I waited for him to sit down before picking up my fork to eat, and decided to let him start the conversation.

"So Nora, you haven't been home lately. Not until late. And I've seen your lantern on at night, blinking and such like you used to do with Ashton before we moved. Is there something you need to tell me? Are you lonely or bored? What are you doing during the day? Who are you hanging out with?" I stared at him for a moment.

"You. . . you think I'm being suicidal or something?"

"It seems like it. You're acting similarly to when you were suicidal in Norway."

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