short story: stupid mistake

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It was dark and foggy walking home that night, not that I could see anyway my blurred vision wasn't at all helpful. You know that saying "Say no to that last drink" well I didn't in fact I did drink it and it was great.

My name is Jake Prose, this story is about the night that changed my life forever. It was nearly 11pm and thinking of how much fun all my other buddies were having in the city I decided to have some of my own, there was a party across town so walking distance didn't seem that bad. I crashed someone's party apparently the host went to my school, no one seemed to mind me being there everyone was pretty happy by midnight. The music was pumping, people were dancing and then there were the fighters in this area of town you CANT have a party without someone fighting its inevitable really.

As I was scanning the room I saw my friend Lana, she saw me and her whole face lit up with that amazing smile of hers stretching corner to corner. that's when I held back from hugging her and saying "what are you doing here?"

Not that I was complaining, just that she's a complete bookworm and she doesn't drink. She looked at me fully unimpressed of my reaction. "I was invited unlike you, gate crasher. But if you must know im here looking after my friend Kayla, by the looks of things she's not the only one that needs looking after."

Maybe it was just the alcohol talking but man she's so hot right now, on any other day I would've ignored her, friend or not she's so judgemental and picky I just don't listen. As the night went on Lana kept pestering me about slowing down and stoping but I mean come on I've been way more trashed than this I can handle myself. I found my way to the kitchen, blasts of light crashed into me from the crystal white walls, I opened the fridge to see what I could find. JACKPOT the fridge was fully loaded it didn't look like this party was going to be stopping any time soon. I snagged a few bottles and hid them in my jacket, making my way out I notice Lanas friend had gone home, great now she's going to be hounding me.

Thinking about it now I should've stopped drinking I realise now that Lana isn't that judgemental and that im just really ignorant.

It was nearly 4am so I decided that was enough fun for tonight, on my walk home I was trying to make out the shapes and blurs around me, whirling past my body. It was hard concentrating on the journey home all I wanted to do was lay down and sleep, my eyes were heavy but I had to get home I don't want to end up on one of those police ten 7 shows that's just embarrassing. So I ventured on, I noticed the ground was sharp and gritty I looked down to find I wasn't wearing any shoes. Did I do that? When did I do that? As these questions filled my head my mind drifted. When I found my way back to reality I noticed I was nearly home, I cut through a parking lot close to the main road. I checked my phone it was only 4:29am wow im making record time, I had 3 messages.

1.)" hey mate jst gt hm frm the clubs met sme chks tell ya 2moro bro."

2.) "Jake, hpe u gt hm safe txt bak k."

And 3rd.) " Jake im coming ovr if u dnt txt bak!!!"

Haha man why is Lana so protective. Anyway I decided to cross the road, being so early on a weekend there wouldn't be any traffic but I was wrong. Two bright lights were flashing in my direction, a thought crossed my mind, oh sweet as this will be fun. I ran towards the light attempting to play chicken when the car didn't swive I tried to jump out of the way.......


The lights got brighter then suddenly pain. A sharp jolt ran up my left side, my face throbbed and quick pains were shooting up my spine. I couldn't hear anything, nothing at all just silence. It was odd, I felt strangely calm maybe it was because of the lack of vision, I felt so light. The pain went away and the next thing I knew, darkness......

I was woken to a scream, not knowing who it belonged to. The ambulance was roaring its sirens, as they transferred me to the gurney my whole body jerked in pain, it wasn't till they raised me that I could here the full extent of noise its like every thing had been magnified. My vision had cleared and I relaxed feeling safe inside the ambulance then I felt a warm sensation on my head I lifted my hand to feel it, it was wet and sticky and running down my face. I started to panic trying to break free of the gurney but my body wouldn't move so I thrashed around trying to move, that's when the paramedics restrained me then I can only guess sedated me.

I woke in the hospital feeling better than ever, I felt like the accident never happened until I tried to move, my body froze up like it was punishing me for being so stupid, it wanted me to feel every inch of pain. The doctor appeared before me he assured me none of this was my fault and that the women who hit me was on medication and shouldn't have been driving, falling asleep was her reason for hitting me. I knew better though it was me who caused this if I hadn't ran at the car I wouldn't be here. that's when he turned serious.

"Im afraid that's not the only news."


Its been six weeks since the accident, its been really difficult adjusting, my families had to change a lot of things. I still feel really stupid for not listening to Lana that night maybe if I wasn't being my ignorant self I wouldn't have ended up in the hospital. My mates don't talk to me much anymore but that's ok I've made a lot of new friends. Lana and I have started dating now to, after the accident we got closer. I don't take things for granted anymore and im getting used to the idea, im meeting with my new friends down at the community centre.

Lana met me outside, " Are you ready?" hmm this is a huge step for me but its also one of my bravest steps in life according to Lana. " yep lets do this." I wasn't exactly happy about doing this but its something I have to do.

Watching my friends talk gave me inspiration, so when my turn came I made my way up to the front and onto the stage. I gazed at my family knowing I had their support It felt amazing.

"My name is Jake Prose, up till 6 weeks ago I was a fit young man with heaps of friends and lots of ideas of what I wanted to do with my life. Now, I am a paraplegic, it was hard getting used to the fact I would never walk again, my friends didn't want to see me and when ever someone looked my way all I would see is pity across their face but with the support of my family and my beautiful girlfriend I have the courage to say in front of everyone of you that its ok to be mad, or upset, and don't let those people who feel they cant hangout with you because if you see them walking your going to lose your sanity stand in the way of what you want. Thankyou for listening."

I felt the warm embrace of Lanas hug and I felt complete. Total peace of mind.

short story: stupid mistakeWhere stories live. Discover now