This is my best story ever !
Alice Pierce is a 17 year old Girl.Her father is having a new job, because of that they need to move away.They are moving to Beverly hills a very popular city. For Alice it was a very hard step to do.But shortly shes g...
it was already time to go ,me and lyle walked the stairs down and erik was already standing next to the door i ran over to erik and hugged him really tight. i looked into his eyes and his eyes filled up with tears i hugged him again and whispered in his ear
Alice: everything is going to be okay erik i promise
erik pulled away wiped his tears off
Erik: so ready to go
he was hiding his fucking feelings but why. erik opened the door we walked out and of course there were journalist with camera infront of our house.
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we went into the car and drove over to the funeral place,our familiy members are already there. we had a chauffeur so Erik,Lyle and me we were sitting in the back i was in the middle and i wanted to cuddle with both but thats weird isn't it ?
Erik: lyle are you wearing dads shoes ??
Lyle: yeah whats wrong with that
Erik: nothing im just asking
Lyle: oh alice could you put this necklace on i fogot to give you it in your room
Alice: yeah sure is this a special one ?
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Lyle: thats a mixed necklace of your moms and my moms necklace
Alice: oh well okay yea,its beautiful but it feels weird to have it on
Some minutes passed by and we arrived at the funeral place as i walked out of the car i couldn't belive my eyes here are so many people from the TV so many cameras ,people screaming questions
journalist: Erik and Lyle how is it for you to lose the person who brought the money home?
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