( I'm really sorry if it upsets somebody.Please understand that I was young and this is all fiction.I would never do it nowadays!)
-2022 me
This is my first story so please dont be so harsh on me.
Sasuke just wanted to go out a lit...
"Hey Naru Bae?"aked Sasuke,"Whats wrong Honey?"screams Naruto from outside the house.
Naruto and Sasuke bought a house in the Village and are painting it with dark orange colours,since Sasuke didn'd want it all bright orange like an actual orange.Naruto came into the house and searched for his boyfriend.
Sasuke was standing up from the coach and walked to Naruto who welcomed him with open arms."Well....,who do I have here?Isn't that my gorgeous baby.What does a Prince like you want from someone like me?"Naruto said charming.Sasuke blushed at that and buried his face into Narutos chest while Naruto thigtend his grip onto Sasukes hips.
"I wanted to go to the forest,you know get some fresh air."answered Sasuke.",,But Sasuke how could you defend yourself then?I still have to paint our house!"Naruto questiond his boyfriend."Maybe I could take someone with me?" "Ok,how about you give a bit of your chackra and when your in danger your Chackra will inform me of your situation!"intoduced Sasuke his idea.
"Oh,please let me go I wanna relax a bit!" thought Sasuke."Hmmm,k.I am alright with that 'attebayo!"smiled Naruto.Sasuke hugged him again before Naruto gave him a bit of his Chackra."BYE BAE I WILL COME AT 4 PM!" shout Sasuke.
This is their House:
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