Chapter 9: Thank you brother

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Warning:◇BLOOD GORE◇


I soon heared a knock on the door and slowly stood up.I rubed my eyes and looked over to Sasuke who was still sleeping.I quickly dressed myself and walked to the door.

There I saw a guy with a black cloat and a grey Cat mask."Hello there ,I am Bob and I am here to kill you!" A random man smiled at me.
"WHAT THE-"But as soon as I spoke he choped my head off and laughed hysterically at my dead body falling to the ground.


Someone kissed me on my forehead and I slowly rubbed my eyes to see my beloved brother,He grabed me bridal style and had his magekyou sharingan open.


○ In this Au Itachi didn't got killed by Sasuke ,becouse Sasuke was too weak since he lost a lot of Chackra.But Sasuke still didn't forgave Itachi.

I was suprised but too weak to even react so I immediately fell asleep again.


             >>SOME TIME LATER<<

I woke up on a strange bed."H-Huh?" "Well,Well,look whos awake." a strong mans voice said."Hmmmm"I rubbed my eyes and looked at a black figure,in the cornor of the room.I was scared and angry at the same time.

"WHO ARE YOU"I yelled.While trying to stand up and walk to that figure I almost trip,but that figure cought me and layed me back on the bed.Now ,(becouse of the moon light)I saw who just cought me.

"B-Brother?"I asked smiling widely and sobbing quietly.I again stood up and hugged my brother...........,Itachi."T-Thank you ....." I stammered.Before I again fell asleep saw Itachi petting my belly while crying over it and smiling happy.

307 Words

A / N :

Why do you think did Itachi cry?

🤍-Why me...?-🤍 NARUSASUWhere stories live. Discover now