Chapter 2:Our first date

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As I was walking into the forest I couldn't believe how long I was not here!I missed it so damm much!I bet if Itachi would see this he did be pretty amazed.Now I just remembered something....Here was my first date with that dobe of mine!2 years ago........



"N-Naruto can you finally, tell me where we are you littel-" I tried to ask Naruto but he disturbed me in my sentece."We're here 'attebayo!" I heared Naruto say with a proud voice.He took my blindfold off and what I saw was absolutely beautiful.I gasped loud and saw a table,two chairs,delicouse food,some candles,my happy boyfriend and the Moon on top of the sky.

I didn't know Naruto could be so romantic!He set everything ouside the village up,since I still refused zo go back there.

Suprised?YES AND THAT VERY MUCH!I almost cried becouse of this breath taking out look.Naruto really tried his best doing this.He even wore a suit for this,so it must be very important!But at that time we were not boyfriends or anything else."B-But for what?"I asked shiely.

Naruto kneld down and then began to speak:"Will you,Uchiha Sasuke be my boyfriend at bad and good times?Will you accept my Love and return it to me with all the power your chidori can give?"I was so stunned that I almost fainted in front of my crush.

Yes you heared right,Naruto that Idiot was my crush.Nobody,really NOBODY,knew that I was in love with him.Not even he noticed how I would constantly stare at him with sparkels in my eyes.Sensei Kakashi noticed that and winked to me everytime he set me and Naruto on Solo Missions.

I thanked him for that ,but also screamed mentally at him when he did that.I can not say why I loved Naruto,beside from the fact that he was handsome,cool,beautiful,awesome ect.
Oh~Gow I could talk about him every day and anytime!

"YES!YES!YES!YES!AND A THOUSEND MORE YES!"I yelled at Naruto.I think he was suprisee by my reaction but happy that I had accepted him!

He stood up from the ground,looked me dead in the eye then runned towards me and kissed me passionately.He grabed my ass an pulled me up.Then he whispered:,,Only you and me forever Sasuke."Then he carefully bit my ear.

Of course we didn't do anything further ,becouse the table was still set for us to eat.



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