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I re-wrote the first chapter because I didn't like the first one


He had committed suicide.

BAM. There it is, bitches, bros and non-binary hoes. Opening line, end of story, cut the cameras.

But wait! There's more.


He was unhappy with his life, so he ended it. Simple enough, right? Except the universe had tp go and make even that complicated.

So here he lay, somehow in another persons body, dying for a second time. You may be thinking, 'oh that's a pretty big jump, you gon' explain how we got here?'

No. Because he didn't know himself.

One second he felt the soothing numbness of death, and the next he was laying on the ground, in excruciating pain, in a place unknown to him. It was silent, deathly so. Every breath felt like fire, and his ribcage felt like it was too small,  squishing his lungs. Whether that was meant to be metaphorical or literal he would figure out along the way. The air was ashy and smelled like someone left a rotting corpse in the sun for a week, which did not help on the issue of breathing. 

His back ached, horrible so. Like, not back problems, he was pretty sure he could feel blood (not to mention smell) all over him, but particularly on his back. His body wouldn't listen to him, no matter how hard he tried to move, see, know where the fuck he was. 

His head pounded, his eyes hurt, hell! Everything hurt!

Everything ached so, so, so much. Why was he here? Where was 'here'? How was he alive?

Questions swirled in his head, questions with no answers.

He tried to move, but this damned body wouldn't listen to him. He didn't know what to do- he didn't know anything.

He groaned in pain, and even that minimal action felt like he had very little control over. His vision was incredibly blurry, he couldn't see a thing past the ashy dirt he was laying on. Which added to his steadily building panic.

He might've survived his attempt, unlikely, because then wouldn't he be in a hospital? Not, oh I don't know, on the floor in the middle of no where? He wanted to try and think this through logically, honestly, but he could barely have coherent thoughts. He was barely comprehending the situation, and even that was diluted. His head seemed to pound with every heartbeat, it felt like someone threw him down a flight of stairs and then hit him with a frying pan. Repeatedly. 

He started choking on his own breath when he felt something. It was some sort of crushing force? But it wasn't physical in the least, it was like a phantom feeling. It felt like a giant magnet, and it felt gross too. It felt wrong. Wrong in every sense. Like it wasn't supposed to be here.

Like he wasn't supposed to be here.

"There's a survivor! Over here!" Some inconsiderate douche bag yelled.

His head pounded even more at the sudden loud noise, letting out another groan, because holy shit. It felt like it was echoing in his head, not to mention the oddly disgusting feeling of that crushing weight.

Now that he had a split-second moment of coherency, he didn't hear that man coming at all. He can't hear him coming closer even now, but he heard him yell? Either this man has the quietest footsteps in the world, or he was extremely hard of hearing now. Which would also make sense.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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