Clock Strikes Again

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It had been only a short while since Emma Swan had come to Storybrooke and things had began to change for the better already

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It had been only a short while since Emma Swan had come to Storybrooke and things had began to change for the better already. You began to feel more at ease in the town once she took over as Sherif, not that Graham had not made you feel safe but he didn't seem to want to stand up to Regina. No one else believed you that she was cruel and wicked, expect Henry. You enjoyed it when you 'babysat' once a week, it often felt like he was the only one who made sense, despite thinking everything in his storybook was real. He was yet you reveal who you were. Maybe there wasn't a character with an English accent in there. The thought made you smile. Thinking back to his real mum, Emma, you felt that maybe, just maybe you'd be able to escape the clutches of Regina eventually by having someone like her around. 

"Hello Y/N" Mary Margret came and joined you at the bar in Granny's, she was probably your only real friend except maybe Ruby and well, Graham was kind to you, but now he's gone.  Everyone in Storybrooke was pleasant to you, and you had a steady flow of customers at the flower shop, but you knew they all still thought you still mad. Maybe you were, you had just gotten better at hiding it. You just had to practice talking less.

"Good Morning" you smiled sweetly back. You were currently, other than Emma, the only one talking to her after the whole David affair scandal. She had been your friend regardless and now it was your turn to repay the favour. You sat down and chatted a while before she got up to announce to the cafe her plans for to help out selling candles at the Minors Day festival... It didn't exactly go to plan. 

"Sign me up" you smiled at her. She looked at you gratefully just before someone bumped you out the way, Leroy. You could sense an altercation coming and decided to make a break for it towards the shop muttering to yourself. 

"I'm late, I'm late, oh my sweet roses, Maurice is going to kill me." You almost tumble into the shop sending a bucket of flowers spinning into a frenzy, you quickly reach down to stop it falling. You had always been clumsy, falling over seemed to part of walking for you. Had you always been like this? You couldn't remember. It was hard to remember much past the last few weeks, almost like you hadn't existed. Right yes of course Y/N, you said to yourself rolling your eyes, you didn't exist, you just pop out of thin air. You really had lost it. As you make your way into the shop you hear a familiarly stern voice. 

"Where have you been? I need to run some deliveries and need you to mind the shop." He was always like this with you, but then you can't complain, he'd agreed to let you work there despite everything. You kept yourself busy for the rest of the day and waited to close up the shop and get ready for tonight to help Mary Margaret. 

. . . 

"Great, the town harlot, the town drunk and the town nutcase" Leroy rolled his eyes as he saw you approach

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"Great, the town harlot, the town drunk and the town nutcase" Leroy rolled his eyes as he saw you approach. 

"Why are you here then? It's a bit odd is it not, you don't seem like you want to help? Or perhaps you do.." he death stared you. Obviously time to keep quiet. 

"We went round peoples houses and nothing is's really not good" Mary Margret looked deflated. 

You let out a sigh. Not knowing how to help. "You know in times of trouble I'd usually make a cup of tea and go sit and talk to my rabbit, her name is March, but this isn't really one of those times." the words tumble out of you before you realised you'd said it aloud and not to yourself. After exchanging looks between themselves and shaking off your comment  Leyroy got himself an idea and disappeared off. Mary running after him. 

"I'll just stay by the stand" you shrug to yourself, sticking your hands in your coat pocket and trying to smile at passers by who avoid your gaze. After a few moment the a bright spark and crashing sound comes out of nowhere and the lights go out, the festival plunged into darkness. 

"Curiouser and curiouser" you mumble to yourself "what in the name of roses is going on" you look at Mary and Leroy smiling but questioningly as they return. 

"I'm selling candles sister" he smirked. A feeling of joy filled you for the first time in a very long time as the crowds from the festival practically push money at you in exchange for candles. After about twenty minutes Mary turns to you. 

"Leroy, Y/N" she breathes a happy sigh "we've sold out!" you join her in a warm smile as Leroy laughed happily and picked up Mary Margret into a hug. 

"I don't think I have ever been happier" A sad smile crept across both Mary Margret and Leroy's face. He pats you on the back, not sure how to show the right response or emotion. Then he looked of into the distance to the side of you. Staring a the group of Nuns stood talking happily. 

"Well go on, give her the news" Mary smiled encouragingly at Leroy as she handed him the earning they'd collected in a tin box. "Have your moment."

You watched happily as he walked off towards the pretty lady then joined Mary Margret in clearing up the stand and walked with her back to her car. But then she started to back away and walk back towards the festival. You watch as she backs away from the words Tramp written on her car window and head back into the crowed. Before you can chance after her you notice granny go over and light the candle she was holding, smiling at her warmly. 'How utterly lovely' you thought to yourself. You smile and then head down the road towards home. Not noticing David being taken away in the sherif's car, or the presence lurking around the corner watching the night unfold. 

Based on Season 1 Episode 14

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