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“I am sorry” beam said.

 He was really embarrassed by what happened in forth’s friend’s birthday party. When he opened his eyes that day, he was in their house, forth sleeping beside him. It was already morning and that’s when he realize he may have ruined the time forth have with his friends. He wanted to apologize from then on but forth was behaving like nothing had happened.


Forth asked, not knowing why beam apologizing to him out of nowhere. So far he remember nothing happened these days, except when beam has a little breakdown at his friends birthday party two days ago.

“For causing a seen at your friend’s birthday party.”

Forth chucked. He should have known, beam will feel embarrassed and wrong about it.

“Oh about that. You don’t have to be sorry we have our own up and downs sometimes.” forth said with an assuring smile.

“But still, I s-” But before beam could continue, forth cut it off.

“We are not talking about this again. It’s okay. And I am not mad at you.”

With that the room went silent. Maybe beam was expecting for forth to be mad at him.

Beam looked at forth, but he diverted his gaze seeing later was looking at him.

 Forth smiled, he liked the effect he have on his husband. He liked when beam acted shy around him and blushing for him.

“So will you tell me why you were crying?” forth asked.

“Uh, um,…………………………………………………I w-was, I w-was missing my family.”

“Is that so……….. How about we visit them tomorrow? It is marriage anniversary of my mom and Dad tomorrow, we will surprise them and you also get to meet your family.”

“umm whatever you think better.”

 Beam said whatever came in mind that instant. If you would ask him what he truly wants, then he don’t want to go back there. Though he misses his family, but for now, he was not in the good terms with them. And about forth’s parents. He was sure, the moment he stepped in that house. His Mother-in-law will make his life living hell.

Bea. didn’t know he was lost in thoughts until forth called him again, taking his attention.

“You should start packing then. And pack my things along with yours.” forth said as he moved his attention towards his laptop.

“O-okay.” beam said awkwardly.

Beam has done packing and about to went to sleep as its already past 11 and they have to back in early morning. He done his night routine and about to go to bed when forth called him.


“hmm” beam said, looking at his husband , who seems to looking at him with an very disturbed expressions.

“I am sorry.” forth sighed out. It was really hard for him to say sorry. It was like he was saying those words first time in his life. He took a deep breath.

“I am sorry for being jerk when we married.”

“oh no no Its okay. Y-you don’t have to apologize.” beam said hurriedly. To tell the truth. He was really shocked what his husband said just now.

“No, I have to. I was really jerk to not consider your feelings. And sorry for acting cold towards you and taking you granted. I was kind of too focused on my work. I should not have done that. Not when our relationship was new. Will you give me chance to correct the mistakes that I have made?”

“Y-yes.” beam said.

“So let’s start with being friends? Hi, I am forth jaturaphoom, your sorry ass husband, who was jerk towards you but now had realize his mistake and want to cherish you with love. So we are friends?” forth said in cheerful voice with that bunny smile plastered on his face.

“Friends.” Said beam with a smile not knowing what will happen to him when he will visit his in-laws house.

Crumbled dreams ( forthbeam) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now