16: END

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Double update for you guys. I was going to publish it tomorrow but i am not that patience. So here is the last chapter of the story.
Love ya

It's been a two week since forth and beam come back to Bangkok. Everything changed for beam in this two week. The husband he thought was cold and distance to him has changed so much that beam was like on a cloud nine. In the first week, forth took beam to different places in Bangkok. Showing him different places, wearing couple cloths, holding each other's hands. Everything that beam dreamed about came true. So gradually, he opens up with forth. Sharing things with him, sharing his feelings. Same goes to forth. Each time they visit some place, forth would share some incident happened at that place. Forth started to tell him everything. How he met his friends. How was he in college? How his friends claimed that he will never marry. Everything.

Beam woke up early and prepare breakfast for him. He looked at the time. Forth will come downstairs at any time and he was yet to set table. So in a hurry, he started to set the table not noticing the certain brunet came and hugged him from behind. As usual, he startled. After spending time with his husband, he could say his husband is kind of clingy. He never missed a chance of hugging him. Though their relationship developed so much in the week but still they go beyond hugging, holding hands. They both wanted to take things slow. But seeing his husbands behavior these days, beam could say that forth won't be able to hold himself for long.

forth nuzzled his head in beam's nape, inhaling the sweet scent. He could feel beam relax in his hold for a second or two then continue whatever he was doing.

"hmm........... I like to hold you like this all day." forth said.

Beam chuckled. Turning around looking at his husband and hugging him.

"Me too but work come first MR. DUCKY" beam said and then laughing out loud seeing his husband angry but childish face. He came to know of that nickname when forth's friends told him that they used to tease him with that nickname in university days. And from then on he couldn't help himself but to tease his husband.

"I am gonna kill them. Why they have to tell you that name. It's embarrassing." forth said while seating on the chair as beam serve breakfast.

"No it's not. It's rather cute if you ask me MR. DUCKY......... hahhhahahh....."

"Okay okay. Have fun teasing me." forth said placing a meat in beam's place. He was taking care of beam's diet. Making sure that his husband eats well.

Breakfast went on with little chit-chatting. forth went to work. Beam now cleaning the house. And getting ready to make lunch. Forth would eat lunch in the office but he make beam promise him that he will eat lunch properly. So beam have to send forth a selfie while eating lunch every day. Beam was about to go to the kitchen when door bell rung. It was quite unusual for someone to come here at their apartment. He went to the door and checked the intercom. His breath hitched seeing the people. He hurriedly opened the door and hugged them dearly. He missed them so much.

"Ahh son. It's okay. Won't you invite me inside?"

"oh (Sniff) I am sorry mae, phor. (Sniff) Please come in.

They all came in. Beam told them to seat in the hall and hurriedly went to kitchen to bring water.

"Why didn't you bring arthit & park? (his younger brothers)?"

"Oh you bet they didn't want to? They were so determined to come here to meet you but they had their exams from tomorrow. "Said his mother.

"Yeah. Its exam time right. I kind of forgot. Every day is same for me here. Didn't realize time that much."

"It's okay son."

There was silent for a while. beam didn't know what to talk now. though, he missed them so much but he never approached them after phone call at forth's friend birthday party. So it's kind of getting awkward.

"umm........... you want to eat something...... its lunch time. You guys relax. I will make lu-"

"Son. You seat. We have something to talk with you." beam's father said as his mother take his hand make him seat beside her. Now he was seating beside his mother and in front of his father.

"umm okay"

His father started while taking his hand in his.

"umm........... son........... I and your mae are really sorry for what you have to go through."

Beam looked at his father not knowing what his father going to say. He looked at his mother who was smiling at him with tear stained eyes.

"We thought about it................and.........we came to decision that..............It's okay, If you want to divorce with forth................... I know we are late to say that but....... But we support you in whatever decision you take. Mae and phor love you so much."

"(sniff) but.....b-but ...... arthit and park...... (sniff) their f-future?"

"No no. you don't have to worry about them son. We will handle everything. Your happiness comes first. So whatever decision you want to take we support you fully? Do you want to divorce forth?"

It's their first anniversary of marriage and forth held a big surprise party for beam. So basically, beam refuse to divorce forth. In a year, their relationship became stronger. As for forth's mother. She still didn't approve of beam. But now beam didn't care for approval. Forth's father came time to time to meet them and spend family time with them. After two months of their marriage, forth asked beam if he wanted to work. Beam without even thinking for second agreed. forth supported him in every possible way but refused beam to work in any other company other than his. In the end, beam got trained for six months under Forth's friend Kit, who teach him everything. And now for a month, he was handling one of the hotel of  as a manager, making his dream come true of being independent. So apparently beam's every dream came true. So no more crumbled dreams from now on.







I would miss "Crumbled Dreams".😭😭😭😭😭

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