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Chapter 15

(Next Morning)

Beam opened his eyes with slight headache. He looked around. He was in His and forth's room in the mansion. He remembered events happened yesterday. How the party did went? Did he ruin the party? Is forth mad at him? Several thoughts occupying his mind. He remembered the blurry image of forth calling his name. He looked worried. Was he really worried about him? He didn't even register when the bathroom door open.

"You awake?" beam looked up to see forth coming out with wet hair. His breath hitched. He has got damn hot man as a husband. It's not like he was seeing his husband coming out of shower for first time but still he has that effect , every time he see him like this. God knows what he will do when he would see his husband naked. He was so busy drooling over thought of seeing his husband naked, he didn't notice when forth came near him and place is palm on his forehead.

'Your fever is gone. Freshen up then we will go out for breakfast. And pack our bags we are not staying here'.

beam went blank. Why the hell he was asking to pack bags? Shouldn't he scold him for ruining the party? He looked at forth in a questionable gaze, not understanding any meaning behind his words.

"What? Do you still want to live here with my mother after what happened yesterday?"

forth asked with disbelief. How did his father found this unique peace of husband for him? How can someone be so innocent and selfless?

But beam on the other hand thought that forth was mad at his because he ruined the party.

"I a-am sorry about w-what happened yesterday. I will a-apologies to mother in law." beam said hurriedly not wanting to anger his husband further.

"You are not." forth said placing his hand on his waist indicating that he is really done with his husband. After what happened, still he want to apologize to his mother. For what? Because she was clearly bullying him?

"B-but. It was my fault. I was not good enou-"forth cut him off immediately.

"No. It was not your fault. It was her fault. And I am really sorry for her behavior."

"b-but –"

Before beam continued further, forth took his hand and lead him to bathroom.

"No buts, now go get ready fast. I am hungry. No go. Goooooo . Don't stress yourself. I am here. I will handle everything."

He shove beam inside the bathroom gently and closed the door behind him not giving beam any chance to say anything.

Its been an hour after their last discussion and now beam was practically begging forth to not do anything that will hurt his in-laws. But forth was not having it and completely ignoring him while getting ready for their departure.

"I d-don't think it's a good idea, p'forth" beam said in low voice. Forth sighed and stopped whatever he was doing and looked at his husband.

"Don't stress yourself. I wil-"

"It will hurt her. Think about father-in-law. Whatever happened but in the end she is your moth-"

"Being my mother, didn't give her right to treat my husband like that." forth said in kind of stern voice. He was now done with all this sh*t. His mother has to understand beam's place in his life and for doing that he knew he has no other choice but to take harsh decisions.

"B-but I still think we shouldn't –"

"I told you to not stress. I will handle everything. You will keep quite all the time. Now let's go." forth said sternly making beam shut up and called one of servants to take their bags to his car.

Downstairs in the living room, forth's mother frown seeing servants taking bags outside. She was about to go to her son to ask but she saw him coming downstairs with beam. She hurriedly went to him as soon as he steps on last step of stairs.

"Where are you going? I thought you are here for a week." She asked.

Forth on the other hand gave her cold look. He could really see his mother completely ignoring his husband, like he was not even in the room. He looked at his father as if asking permission what he was going to do next. His father node giving him assure look. They both already discussed the matter and his father was agree to his decision.

"We were. But after what happened yesterday, I don't think me and my husband want to live here." forth said in cold voice making his mother gulp her saliva. But still she pretends like she didn't do anything.

"What happened yesterday?" She asked innocently like she had no idea about what happened.

"Don't be so oblivious mom. You know exactly what happened yesterday in the kitchen."

"It has nothing to do with me. I am not responsible what your uncle do to your husband." She said. forth sighed there is no point talking with his mother.

"Please mom. Don't act now. I clearly warned you to not misbehave with beam but you still overdo it. I think it's better if you not have any connection with my husband anymore. If you want to talk to me just call me. Don't involve my husband with any of your things."

Forth's mothers eyes widened. Never in the life, she thought her son will behave like this with her because of some mare lowly person. She glare at beam, who was standing beside his husband looking down, afraid to speak anything or looking at anyone.

"So you are now leaving your mother for this manipulative b*tch."

forth's face hardens at her word. Clearly angry at his mother's words.

"beam let's go. There is no point talking in this house."

"Yahh, how can you take his side? Honey, please knock some sense in your son's head, he is –"

"Father knows mom. And he agrees with my decision." forth said cutting her in middle of sentence.

"What!" She was so shocked to register what her son said. Unknowing to her tears flowing from eyes, making beam to panic. He didn't want to be the one who break the family bond. He never thought of doing these things. He looked at his husband who was already on his way to the door. He looked back, his mother in law crying while looking at her husband. Instead of following behind his husband he choose to the opposite making forth angry.

"I am really sorry mother- in-law, I will talk with fort-"

"beam, let's go." forth said as he hold joins hand and drag him outside.

"B-but she is crying." beam tried to say but forth didn't listen to him and take him to the car and they drove out of the mansion.

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