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song recs °∴,*⋅✲ something cute idk lmao

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song recs °∴,*⋅✲ something cute idk lmao

(Y/N)'s POV

If you had told (Y/N) that she would be dating Kiyoko Shimizu, she would've slapped you and cursed you for telling such a joke, playing with her poor, dying heart like a fiddle.

Yet, there they were, making out in the third-floor bathroom in between classes, and her heart was definitely being played, but for other reasons.

Kiyoko had her back pressed up against the cold tile wall, hands intertwined in (Y/N)'s hair as their kisses melded together, (Y/N)'s tongue swivelling around hers as if she had had years of expertise and her tongue was some sort of acrobat.

(Y/N)'s hand squeezed her waist, pressing their bodies together as much as she could, her skin burning as if it were next to the sun as her knee touched Kiyoko's thigh. Hell, they weren't even touching, technically, with Kiyoko's black leggings and all. (Y/N) had never despised a pair of leggings more.

There was a very heated debate currently taking place in (Y/N)'s mind, arguing about whether or not to do the knee thing. She could, but was it too fast? It had only been a mere two weeks since they started dating, the past fourteen days being absolute bliss, every day even more joyous than the previous one.

It had happened after their performance. (Y/N) had doubts swarming her mind like koi fish, knocking up sand of qualm and string currents of uncertainty all the way through, questioning whether perhaps, after their roles as co-actors were finished, they would return to what they had been before. (Y/N), longing from afar, and Kiyoko, being the mighty priestess she was.

But, as Daichi and Suga came around congratulating them backstage, and had teased how they should be an actual couple, Kiyoko had given them an indifferent expression and simply said 'we are'.

(Y/N) might've died then and there (she didn't).

The familiar chime of the next class reverberated through the air, before (Y/N)'s democratic dispute could settle on a choice.

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