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song recs °∴,*⋅✲ there's so much sad shit i could recommend rn omlanyway stan recuerdame from coco in spanish ty <3

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song recs °∴,*⋅✲ there's so much sad shit i could recommend rn oml
anyway stan recuerdame from coco in spanish ty <3

Kiyoko's POV

"The hospital? Why do I need to go?" Kiyoko frowned, playing with the ring on her finger.

(Y/N) shrugged her jacket on sluggishly, eyes that seemingly had trouble staying open these days looking over at her, "I don't know. They wanted to tell you something,"

Hesitance still fizzing around her, Kiyoko bit her lip, "Yeah, okay,"

Seeing her apprehension, (Y/N) mustered up a lethargic smile, "Hey, it'll all be fine. Why don't we take a walk, yeah?"

"Walk to the hospital? It's freezing outside," The black-haired girl said, shooting a glance at her window which had frost creeping from the corners, blankets of snow covering the outside. They had just missed the heaviest snowfall when they went camping, coming back before they'd be snowed in completely.

"Why not?" She said, shoving something into her pocket, "I have to stop somewhere anyway,"

And submitting to (Y/N)'s wishes, as Kiyoko always did, she got up, taking the coat (Y/N) offered her with a smile.

As they reached the pavement past Kiyok's now-white lawn, (Y/N) rushed in after forgetting her phone, coming back about five minutes later with said item in hand.

Sliding her hand into Kiyoko's, she skipped ahead, pulling Kiyoko along with her.

"So how's your day been, lovely?" (Y/N) asked, putting both their hands into Kiyoko's coat pocket, given that the old, tattered leather jacket didn't provide warmth, exactly.

Not bothered by (Y/N)'s particular clinginess that day, she smiled softly, breath coming out in soft puffs of white air, "Good. I woke up with my gorgeous girlfriend at my side, I had breakfast with my family, I had a Super Smash Bros tournament with my brother and my girlfriend, and then we made chicken satay,"

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