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song recs °∴,*⋅✲ child of the moon, lady stardust

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song recs °∴,*⋅✲ child of the moon, lady stardust

"So," Kiyoko's dad said over the breakfast table, "You're (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) had trouble suppressing her smile and Kiyoko stuffed her head into her hands from the corner of her peripheral vision, "Yes, sir," She nodded.

"Cool, cool," He nodded back, "You seem like a good kid... Uhm. I don't have to interrogate you, right? Cuz like, not that your relationship is any different from a heterosexual one, but you can imagine my relief when I learn that 'Yoko isn't with a boy."

"Boys are gross," (Y/N) said in agreement, amusement shimmering along the edges of her words.

"They are! Soo. Yeah. Well, welcome," He said finally, before his wife whacked him across the back of his head.

Mrs Shimizu shook her head, "You are so awkward and for what? I saw you gaping at her leather jacket this morning, fanboying and asking me if she was cool and how you wanted 'Yoko here to date someone 'cool'. No- what was the word you used? Swag?"

Kiyoko choked on her orange juice and her brother, who had been watching the whole thing happen with the widest grin on his face, handed her a glass of water without ripping his eyes away from the main conversation.

(Y/N) nodded, better at keeping her cool. He wasn't her dad, anyway. She just found it all rather entertaining, "I'm glad you think so,"

"You know, I used to have a crush on James Dean-"

"Dad, I swear to God if this keeps going I will crash the stock market myself so you have to go back to work," Kiyoko threatened, overcoming her fit of coughs.

Looking a bit taken aback he adjusted his tie and returned back to his breakfast, "Nice to see my daughter would ruin the economy for me,"

And something in (Y/N)'s heart warmed as if it had been put next to a kindling fire while it's pulsing edges warmed with endearment as she gazed at this family eating breakfast together while joking.

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